63 research outputs found

    The Sum Can Be Weaker Than Each Part

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    International audienceIn this paper we study the security of summing the outputs of two independent hash functions, in an effort to increase the security of the resulting design, or to hedge against the failure of one of the hash functions. The exclusive-or (XOR) combiner H1(M)⊕H2(M) is one of the two most classical combiners, together with the concatenation combiner H1(M) H2(M). While the security of the concatenation of two hash functions is well understood since Joux's seminal work on multicollisions, the security of the sum of two hash functions has been much less studied. The XOR combiner is well known as a good PRF and MAC combiner, and is used in practice in TLS versions 1.0 and 1.1. In a hash function setting, Hoch and Shamir have shown that if the compression functions are modeled as random oracles, or even weak random oracles (i.e. they can easily be inverted – in particular H1 and H2 offer no security), H1 ⊕ H2 is indifferentiable from a random oracle up to the birthday bound. In this work, we focus on the preimage resistance of the sum of two narrow-pipe n-bit hash functions, following the Merkle-Damgård or HAIFA structure (the internal state size and the output size are both n bits). We show a rather surprising result: the sum of two such hash functions, e.g. SHA-512 ⊕ Whirlpool, can never provide n-bit security for preimage resistance. More precisely, we present a generic preimage attack with a complexity of O(2 5n/6). While it is already known that the XOR combiner is not preserving for preimage resistance (i.e. there might be some instantiations where the hash functions are secure but the sum is not), our result is much stronger: for any narrow-pipe functions, the sum is not preimage resistant. Besides, we also provide concrete preimage attacks on the XOR combiner (and the concatenation combiner) when one or both of the compression functions are weak; this complements Hoch and Shamir's proof by showing its tightness for preimage resistance. Of independent interests, one of our main technical contributions is a novel structure to control simultaneously the behavior of independent hash computations which share the same input message. We hope that breaking the pairwise relationship between their internal states will have applications in related settings

    Functional Graph Revisited: Updates on (Second) Preimage Attacks on Hash Combiners

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    This paper studies functional-graph-based (second) preimage attacks against hash combiners. By exploiting more properties of cyclic nodes of functional graph, we find an improved preimage attack against the XOR combiner with a complexity of 25n/82^{5n/8}, while the previous best-known complexity is 22n/32^{2n/3}. Moreover, we find the first generic second-preimage attack on Zipper hash with an optimal complexity of 23n/52^{3n/5}

    Robust Multi-Property Combiners for Hash Functions

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    A robust combiner for hash functions takes two candidate implementations and constructs a hash function which is secure as long as at least one of the candidates is secure. So far, hash function combiners only aim at preserving a single property such as collision-resistance or pseudorandomness. However, when hash functions are used in protocols like TLS they are often required to provide several properties simultaneously. We therefore put forward the notion of robust multi-property combiners and elaborate on different definitions for such combiners. We then propose a combiner that provably preserves (target) collision-resistance, pseudorandomness, and being a secure message authentication code. This combiner satisfies the strongest notion we propose, which requires that the combined function satisfies every security property which is satisfied by at least one of the underlying hash function. If the underlying hash functions have output length n, the combiner has output length 2n. This basically matches a known lower bound for black-box combiners for collision-resistance only, thus the other properties can be achieved without penalizing the length of the hash values. We then propose a combiner which also preserves the property of being indifferentiable from a random oracle, slightly increasing the output length to 2n + \omega(log n). Moreover, we show how to augment our constructions in order to make them also robust for the one-wayness property, but in this case require an a priory upper bound on the input length

    Some Cryptanalytic Results on Zipper Hash and Concatenated Hash

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    At SAC 2006, Liskov proposed the zipper hash, a technique for constructing secure (indifferentiable from random oracles) hash functions based on weak (invertible) compression functions. Zipper hash is a two pass scheme, which makes it unfit for practical consideration. But, from the theoretical point of view it seemed to be secure, as it had resisted standard attacks for long. Recently, Andreeva {\em et al.} gave a forced-suffix herding attack on the zipper hash, and Chen and Jin showed a second preimage attack provided f1f_1 is strong invertible. In this paper, we analyse the construction under the random oracle model as well as when the underlying compression functions have some weakness. We show (second) preimage, and herding attacks on an nn-bit zipper hash and its relaxed variant with f1=f2f_1 = f_2, all of which require less than 2n 2^{n} online computations. Hoch and Shamir have shown that the concatenated hash offers only n2\frac{n}{2}-bits security when both the underlying compression functions are strong invertible. We show that the bound is tight even when only one of the underlying compression functions is strong invertible

    New Attacks on the Concatenation and XOR Hash Combiners

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    We study the security of the concatenation combiner H1(M)H2(M)H_1(M) \| H_2(M) for two independent iterated hash functions with nn-bit outputs that are built using the Merkle-Damgård construction. In 2004 Joux showed that the concatenation combiner of hash functions with an nn-bit internal state does not offer better collision and preimage resistance compared to a single strong nn-bit hash function. On the other hand, the problem of devising second preimage attacks faster than 2n2^n against this combiner has remained open since 2005 when Kelsey and Schneier showed that a single Merkle-Damgård hash function does not offer optimal second preimage resistance for long messages. In this paper, we develop new algorithms for cryptanalysis of hash combiners and use them to devise the first second preimage attack on the concatenation combiner. The attack finds second preimages faster than 2n2^n for messages longer than 22n/72^{2n/7} and has optimal complexity of 23n/42^{3n/4}. This shows that the concatenation of two Merkle-Damgård hash functions is not as strong a single ideal hash function. Our methods are also applicable to other well-studied combiners, and we use them to devise a new preimage attack with complexity of 22n/32^{2n/3} on the XOR combiner H1(M)H2(M)H_1(M) \oplus H_2(M) of two Merkle-Damgård hash functions. This improves upon the attack by Leurent and Wang (presented at Eurocrypt 2015) whose complexity is 25n/62^{5n/6} (but unlike our attack is also applicable to HAIFA hash functions). Our algorithms exploit properties of random mappings generated by fixing the message block input to the compression functions of H1H_1 and H2H_2. Such random mappings have been widely used in cryptanalysis, but we exploit them in new ways to attack hash function combiners

    Combiners for Backdoored Random Oracles

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    International audienceWe formulate and study the security of cryptographic hash functions in the backdoored random-oracle (BRO) model, whereby a big brother designs a "good" hash function, but can also see arbitrary functions of its table via backdoor capabilities. This model captures intentional (and unintentional) weaknesses due to the existence of collision-finding or inversion algorithms, but goes well beyond them by allowing, for example, to search for structured preimages. The latter can easily break constructions that are secure under random inversions. BROs make the task of bootstrapping cryptographic hardness somewhat challenging. Indeed, with only a single arbitrarily backdoored function no hardness can be bootstrapped as any construction can be inverted. However, when two (or more) independent hash functions are available, hardness emerges even with unrestricted and adaptive access to all backdoor oracles. At the core of our results lie new reductions from cryptographic problems to the communication complexities of various two-party tasks. Along the way we establish a communication complexity lower bound for set-intersection for cryptographically relevant ranges of parameters and distributions and where set-disjointness can be easy

    Generic Attacks on Hash Functions

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    The subject of this thesis is a security property of hash functions, called chosen-target forced-prefix preimage (CTFP) resistance and the generic attack on this property, called the herding attack. The study of CTFP resistance started when Kelsey-Kohno introduced a new data structure, called a diamond structure, in order to show the strength of a CTFP resistance property of a hash function. In this thesis, we concentrate on the complexity of the diamond structure and its application in the herding attack. We review the analysis done by Kelsey and Kohno and point out a subtle flaw in their analysis. We propose a correction of their analysis and based on our revised analysis, calculate the message complexity and the computational complexity of the generic attacks that are based on the diamond structure. As an application of the diamond structure on generic attacks, we propose a multiple herding attack on a special generalization of iterated hash functions, proposed by Nandi-Stinson

    Achievable secrecy enchancement through joint encryption and privacy amplification

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    In this dissertation we try to achieve secrecy enhancement in communications by resorting to both cryptographic and information theoretic secrecy tools and metrics. Our objective is to unify tools and measures from cryptography community with techniques and metrics from information theory community that are utilized to provide privacy and confidentiality in communication systems. For this purpose we adopt encryption techniques accompanied with privacy amplification tools in order to achieve secrecy goals that are determined based on information theoretic and cryptographic metrics. Every secrecy scheme relies on a certain advantage for legitimate users over adversaries viewed as an asymmetry in the system to deliver the required security for data transmission. In all of the proposed schemes in this dissertation, we resort to either inherently existing asymmetry in the system or proactively created advantage for legitimate users over a passive eavesdropper to further enhance secrecy of the communications. This advantage is manipulated by means of privacy amplification and encryption tools to achieve secrecy goals for the system evaluated based on information theoretic and cryptographic metrics. In our first work discussed in Chapter 2 and the third work explained in Chapter 4, we rely on a proactively established advantage for legitimate users based on eavesdropper’s lack of knowledge about a shared source of data. Unlike these works that assume an errorfree physical channel, in the second work discussed in Chapter 3 correlated erasure wiretap channel model is considered. This work relies on a passive and internally existing advantage for legitimate users that is built upon statistical and partial independence of eavesdropper’s channel errors from the errors in the main channel. We arrive at this secrecy advantage for legitimate users by exploitation of an authenticated but insecure feedback channel. From the perspective of the utilized tools, the first work discussed in Chapter 2 considers a specific scenario where secrecy enhancement of a particular block cipher called Data Encryption standard (DES) operating in cipher feedback mode (CFB) is studied. This secrecy enhancement is achieved by means of deliberate noise injection and wiretap channel encoding as a technique for privacy amplification against a resource constrained eavesdropper. Compared to the first work, the third work considers a more general framework in terms of both metrics and secrecy tools. This work studies secrecy enhancement of a general cipher based on universal hashing as a privacy amplification technique against an unbounded adversary. In this work, we have achieved the goal of exponential secrecy where information leakage to adversary, that is assessed in terms of mutual information as an information theoretic measure and Eve’s distinguishability as a cryptographic metric, decays at an exponential rate. In the second work generally encrypted data frames are transmitted through Automatic Repeat reQuest (ARQ) protocol to generate a common random source between legitimate users that later on is transformed into information theoretically secure keys for encryption by means of privacy amplification based on universal hashing. Towards the end, future works as an extension of the accomplished research in this dissertation are outlined. Proofs of major theorems and lemmas are presented in the Appendix

    Blockcipher-based Double-length Hash Functions for Pseudorandom Oracles

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    The notion of PRO (pseudorandom oracle) is an important security notion of hash functions because a PRO hash function inherits all properties of a random oracle up to the PRO bound (e.g., security against generic attacks, collision resistant security, preimage resistant security and so on). In this paper, we propose a new block cipher-based double-length hash function for PROs. Our hash function uses a single block cipher, which encrypts an nn-bit string using a 2n2n-bit key, and maps an input of arbitrary length to a 2n2n-bit output. Since many block ciphers supports a 2n2n-bit key (e.g. AES supports a 256256-bit key), the assumption to use the 2n2n-bit key length block cipher is acceptable. We prove that our hash function is PRO up to \order(2^n) query complexity as long as the block cipher is an ideal cipher. To our knowledge, this is the first time double-length hash function based on a single (practical size) block cipher with the birthday type PRO security