15,247 research outputs found

    OBDD-Based Representation of Interval Graphs

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    A graph G=(V,E)G = (V,E) can be described by the characteristic function of the edge set χE\chi_E which maps a pair of binary encoded nodes to 1 iff the nodes are adjacent. Using \emph{Ordered Binary Decision Diagrams} (OBDDs) to store χE\chi_E can lead to a (hopefully) compact representation. Given the OBDD as an input, symbolic/implicit OBDD-based graph algorithms can solve optimization problems by mainly using functional operations, e.g. quantification or binary synthesis. While the OBDD representation size can not be small in general, it can be provable small for special graph classes and then also lead to fast algorithms. In this paper, we show that the OBDD size of unit interval graphs is O( V /log V )O(\ | V \ | /\log \ | V \ |) and the OBDD size of interval graphs is $O(\ | V \ | \log \ | V \ |)whichbothimproveaknownresultfromNunkesserandWoelfel(2009).Furthermore,wecanshowthatusingourvariableorderandnodelabelingforintervalgraphstheworstcaseOBDDsizeis which both improve a known result from Nunkesser and Woelfel (2009). Furthermore, we can show that using our variable order and node labeling for interval graphs the worst-case OBDD size is \Omega(\ | V \ | \log \ | V \ |).Weusethestructureoftheadjacencymatricestoprovethesebounds.Thismethodmaybeofindependentinterestandcanbeappliedtoothergraphclasses.Wealsodevelopamaximummatchingalgorithmonunitintervalgraphsusing. We use the structure of the adjacency matrices to prove these bounds. This method may be of independent interest and can be applied to other graph classes. We also develop a maximum matching algorithm on unit interval graphs using O(\log \ | V \ |)operationsandacoloringalgorithmforunitandgeneralintervalsgraphsusing operations and a coloring algorithm for unit and general intervals graphs using O(\log^2 \ | V \ |)$ operations and evaluate the algorithms empirically.Comment: 29 pages, accepted for 39th International Workshop on Graph-Theoretic Concepts 201

    Stochastic Constraint Programming

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    To model combinatorial decision problems involving uncertainty and probability, we introduce stochastic constraint programming. Stochastic constraint programs contain both decision variables (which we can set) and stochastic variables (which follow a probability distribution). They combine together the best features of traditional constraint satisfaction, stochastic integer programming, and stochastic satisfiability. We give a semantics for stochastic constraint programs, and propose a number of complete algorithms and approximation procedures. Finally, we discuss a number of extensions of stochastic constraint programming to relax various assumptions like the independence between stochastic variables, and compare with other approaches for decision making under uncertainty.Comment: Proceedings of the 15th Eureopean Conference on Artificial Intelligenc

    Efficient Set Sharing Using ZBDDs

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    Set sharing is an abstract domain in which each concrete object is represented by the set of local variables from which it might be reachable. It is a useful abstraction to detect parallelism opportunities, since it contains definite information about which variables do not share in memory, i.e., about when the memory regions reachable from those variables are disjoint. Set sharing is a more precise alternative to pair sharing, in which each domain element is a set of all pairs of local variables from which a common object may be reachable. However, the exponential complexity of some set sharing operations has limited its wider application. This work introduces an efficient implementation of the set sharing domain using Zero-suppressed Binary Decision Diagrams (ZBDDs). Because ZBDDs were designed to represent sets of combinations (i.e., sets of sets), they naturally represent elements of the set sharing domain. We show how to synthesize the operations needed in the set sharing transfer functions from basic ZBDD operations. For some of the operations, we devise custom ZBDD algorithms that perform better in practice. We also compare our implementation of the abstract domain with an efficient, compact, bit set-based alternative, and show that the ZBDD version scales better in terms of both memory usage and running time