8,279 research outputs found

    A Distance-Based Test of Association Between Paired Heterogeneous Genomic Data

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    Due to rapid technological advances, a wide range of different measurements can be obtained from a given biological sample including single nucleotide polymorphisms, copy number variation, gene expression levels, DNA methylation and proteomic profiles. Each of these distinct measurements provides the means to characterize a certain aspect of biological diversity, and a fundamental problem of broad interest concerns the discovery of shared patterns of variation across different data types. Such data types are heterogeneous in the sense that they represent measurements taken at very different scales or described by very different data structures. We propose a distance-based statistical test, the generalized RV (GRV) test, to assess whether there is a common and non-random pattern of variability between paired biological measurements obtained from the same random sample. The measurements enter the test through distance measures which can be chosen to capture particular aspects of the data. An approximate null distribution is proposed to compute p-values in closed-form and without the need to perform costly Monte Carlo permutation procedures. Compared to the classical Mantel test for association between distance matrices, the GRV test has been found to be more powerful in a number of simulation settings. We also report on an application of the GRV test to detect biological pathways in which genetic variability is associated to variation in gene expression levels in ovarian cancer samples, and present results obtained from two independent cohorts

    Adaptive Mantel Test for AssociationTesting in Imaging Genetics Data

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    Mantel's test (MT) for association is conducted by testing the linear relationship of similarity of all pairs of subjects between two observational domains. Motivated by applications to neuroimaging and genetics data, and following the succes of shrinkage and kernel methods for prediction with high-dimensional data, we here introduce the adaptive Mantel test as an extension of the MT. By utilizing kernels and penalized similarity measures, the adaptive Mantel test is able to achieve higher statistical power relative to the classical MT in many settings. Furthermore, the adaptive Mantel test is designed to simultaneously test over multiple similarity measures such that the correct type I error rate under the null hypothesis is maintained without the need to directly adjust the significance threshold for multiple testing. The performance of the adaptive Mantel test is evaluated on simulated data, and is used to investigate associations between genetics markers related to Alzheimer's Disease and heatlhy brain physiology with data from a working memory study of 350 college students from Beijing Normal University

    Differential analysis of biological networks

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    In cancer research, the comparison of gene expression or DNA methylation networks inferred from healthy controls and patients can lead to the discovery of biological pathways associated to the disease. As a cancer progresses, its signalling and control networks are subject to some degree of localised re-wiring. Being able to detect disrupted interaction patterns induced by the presence or progression of the disease can lead to the discovery of novel molecular diagnostic and prognostic signatures. Currently there is a lack of scalable statistical procedures for two-network comparisons aimed at detecting localised topological differences. We propose the dGHD algorithm, a methodology for detecting differential interaction patterns in two-network comparisons. The algorithm relies on a statistic, the Generalised Hamming Distance (GHD), for assessing the degree of topological difference between networks and evaluating its statistical significance. dGHD builds on a non-parametric permutation testing framework but achieves computationally efficiency through an asymptotic normal approximation. We show that the GHD is able to detect more subtle topological differences compared to a standard Hamming distance between networks. This results in the dGHD algorithm achieving high performance in simulation studies as measured by sensitivity and specificity. An application to the problem of detecting differential DNA co-methylation subnetworks associated to ovarian cancer demonstrates the potential benefits of the proposed methodology for discovering network-derived biomarkers associated with a trait of interest

    Ensemble Analysis of Adaptive Compressed Genome Sequencing Strategies

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    Acquiring genomes at single-cell resolution has many applications such as in the study of microbiota. However, deep sequencing and assembly of all of millions of cells in a sample is prohibitively costly. A property that can come to rescue is that deep sequencing of every cell should not be necessary to capture all distinct genomes, as the majority of cells are biological replicates. Biologically important samples are often sparse in that sense. In this paper, we propose an adaptive compressed method, also known as distilled sensing, to capture all distinct genomes in a sparse microbial community with reduced sequencing effort. As opposed to group testing in which the number of distinct events is often constant and sparsity is equivalent to rarity of an event, sparsity in our case means scarcity of distinct events in comparison to the data size. Previously, we introduced the problem and proposed a distilled sensing solution based on the breadth first search strategy. We simulated the whole process which constrained our ability to study the behavior of the algorithm for the entire ensemble due to its computational intensity. In this paper, we modify our previous breadth first search strategy and introduce the depth first search strategy. Instead of simulating the entire process, which is intractable for a large number of experiments, we provide a dynamic programming algorithm to analyze the behavior of the method for the entire ensemble. The ensemble analysis algorithm recursively calculates the probability of capturing every distinct genome and also the expected total sequenced nucleotides for a given population profile. Our results suggest that the expected total sequenced nucleotides grows proportional to log\log of the number of cells and proportional linearly with the number of distinct genomes