79,667 research outputs found

    On Logical Depth and the Running Time of Shortest Programs

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    The logical depth with significance bb of a finite binary string xx is the shortest running time of a binary program for xx that can be compressed by at most bb bits. There is another definition of logical depth. We give two theorems about the quantitative relation between these versions: the first theorem concerns a variation of a known fact with a new proof, the second theorem and its proof are new. We select the above version of logical depth and show the following. There is an infinite sequence of strings of increasing length such that for each jj there is a bb such that the logical depth of the jjth string as a function of jj is incomputable (it rises faster than any computable function) but with bb replaced by b+1b+1 the resuling function is computable. Hence the maximal gap between the logical depths resulting from incrementing appropriate bb's by 1 rises faster than any computable function. All functions mentioned are upper bounded by the Busy Beaver function. Since for every string its logical depth is nonincreasing in bb, the minimal computation time of the shortest programs for the sequence of strings as a function of jj rises faster than any computable function but not so fast as the Busy Beaver function.Comment: 12 pages LaTex (this supercedes arXiv:1301.4451

    IST Austria Technical Report

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    We study algorithmic questions for concurrent systems where the transitions are labeled from a complete, closed semiring, and path properties are algebraic with semiring operations. The algebraic path properties can model dataflow analysis problems, the shortest path problem, and many other natural problems that arise in program analysis. We consider that each component of the concurrent system is a graph with constant treewidth, a property satisfied by the controlflow graphs of most programs. We allow for multiple possible queries, which arise naturally in demand driven dataflow analysis. The study of multiple queries allows us to consider the tradeoff between the resource usage of the one-time preprocessing and for each individual query. The traditional approach constructs the product graph of all components and applies the best-known graph algorithm on the product. In this approach, even the answer to a single query requires the transitive closure (i.e., the results of all possible queries), which provides no room for tradeoff between preprocessing and query time. Our main contributions are algorithms that significantly improve the worst-case running time of the traditional approach, and provide various tradeoffs depending on the number of queries. For example, in a concurrent system of two components, the traditional approach requires hexic time in the worst case for answering one query as well as computing the transitive closure, whereas we show that with one-time preprocessing in almost cubic time, each subsequent query can be answered in at most linear time, and even the transitive closure can be computed in almost quartic time. Furthermore, we establish conditional optimality results showing that the worst-case running time of our algorithms cannot be improved without achieving major breakthroughs in graph algorithms (i.e., improving the worst-case bound for the shortest path problem in general graphs). Preliminary experimental results show that our algorithms perform favorably on several benchmarks

    IST Austria Technical Report

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    We study algorithmic questions for concurrent systems where the transitions are labeled from a complete, closed semiring, and path properties are algebraic with semiring operations. The algebraic path properties can model dataflow analysis problems, the shortest path problem, and many other natural properties that arise in program analysis. We consider that each component of the concurrent system is a graph with constant treewidth, and it is known that the controlflow graphs of most programs have constant treewidth. We allow for multiple possible queries, which arise naturally in demand driven dataflow analysis problems (e.g., alias analysis). The study of multiple queries allows us to consider the tradeoff between the resource usage of the \emph{one-time} preprocessing and for \emph{each individual} query. The traditional approaches construct the product graph of all components and apply the best-known graph algorithm on the product. In the traditional approach, even the answer to a single query requires the transitive closure computation (i.e., the results of all possible queries), which provides no room for tradeoff between preprocessing and query time. Our main contributions are algorithms that significantly improve the worst-case running time of the traditional approach, and provide various tradeoffs depending on the number of queries. For example, in a concurrent system of two components, the traditional approach requires hexic time in the worst case for answering one query as well as computing the transitive closure, whereas we show that with one-time preprocessing in almost cubic time, each subsequent query can be answered in at most linear time, and even the transitive closure can be computed in almost quartic time. Furthermore, we establish conditional optimality results that show that the worst-case running times of our algorithms cannot be improved without achieving major breakthroughs in graph algorithms (such as improving the worst-case bounds for the shortest path problem in general graphs whose current best-known bound has not been improved in five decades). Finally, we provide a prototype implementation of our algorithms which significantly outperforms the existing algorithmic methods on several benchmarks

    Antilope - A Lagrangian Relaxation Approach to the de novo Peptide Sequencing Problem

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    Peptide sequencing from mass spectrometry data is a key step in proteome research. Especially de novo sequencing, the identification of a peptide from its spectrum alone, is still a challenge even for state-of-the-art algorithmic approaches. In this paper we present Antilope, a new fast and flexible approach based on mathematical programming. It builds on the spectrum graph model and works with a variety of scoring schemes. Antilope combines Lagrangian relaxation for solving an integer linear programming formulation with an adaptation of Yen's k shortest paths algorithm. It shows a significant improvement in running time compared to mixed integer optimization and performs at the same speed like other state-of-the-art tools. We also implemented a generic probabilistic scoring scheme that can be trained automatically for a dataset of annotated spectra and is independent of the mass spectrometer type. Evaluations on benchmark data show that Antilope is competitive to the popular state-of-the-art programs PepNovo and NovoHMM both in terms of run time and accuracy. Furthermore, it offers increased flexibility in the number of considered ion types. Antilope will be freely available as part of the open source proteomics library OpenMS

    Preemptive Thread Block Scheduling with Online Structural Runtime Prediction for Concurrent GPGPU Kernels

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    Recent NVIDIA Graphics Processing Units (GPUs) can execute multiple kernels concurrently. On these GPUs, the thread block scheduler (TBS) uses the FIFO policy to schedule their thread blocks. We show that FIFO leaves performance to chance, resulting in significant loss of performance and fairness. To improve performance and fairness, we propose use of the preemptive Shortest Remaining Time First (SRTF) policy instead. Although SRTF requires an estimate of runtime of GPU kernels, we show that such an estimate of the runtime can be easily obtained using online profiling and exploiting a simple observation on GPU kernels' grid structure. Specifically, we propose a novel Structural Runtime Predictor. Using a simple Staircase model of GPU kernel execution, we show that the runtime of a kernel can be predicted by profiling only the first few thread blocks. We evaluate an online predictor based on this model on benchmarks from ERCBench, and find that it can estimate the actual runtime reasonably well after the execution of only a single thread block. Next, we design a thread block scheduler that is both concurrent kernel-aware and uses this predictor. We implement the SRTF policy and evaluate it on two-program workloads from ERCBench. SRTF improves STP by 1.18x and ANTT by 2.25x over FIFO. When compared to MPMax, a state-of-the-art resource allocation policy for concurrent kernels, SRTF improves STP by 1.16x and ANTT by 1.3x. To improve fairness, we also propose SRTF/Adaptive which controls resource usage of concurrently executing kernels to maximize fairness. SRTF/Adaptive improves STP by 1.12x, ANTT by 2.23x and Fairness by 2.95x compared to FIFO. Overall, our implementation of SRTF achieves system throughput to within 12.64% of Shortest Job First (SJF, an oracle optimal scheduling policy), bridging 49% of the gap between FIFO and SJF.Comment: 14 pages, full pre-review version of PACT 2014 poste

    Numerical Evaluation of Algorithmic Complexity for Short Strings: A Glance into the Innermost Structure of Randomness

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    We describe an alternative method (to compression) that combines several theoretical and experimental results to numerically approximate the algorithmic (Kolmogorov-Chaitin) complexity of all ∑n=182n\sum_{n=1}^82^n bit strings up to 8 bits long, and for some between 9 and 16 bits long. This is done by an exhaustive execution of all deterministic 2-symbol Turing machines with up to 4 states for which the halting times are known thanks to the Busy Beaver problem, that is 11019960576 machines. An output frequency distribution is then computed, from which the algorithmic probability is calculated and the algorithmic complexity evaluated by way of the (Levin-Zvonkin-Chaitin) coding theorem.Comment: 29 pages, 5 figures. Version as accepted by the journal Applied Mathematics and Computatio
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