3 research outputs found

    On the reduction of a random basis

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    For g<ng < n, let b_1,...,b_n−gb\_1,...,b\_{n-g} be n−gn - g independent vectors in Rn\mathbb{R}^n with a common distribution invariant by rotation. Considering these vectors as a basis for the Euclidean lattice they generate, the aim of this paper is to provide asymptotic results when n→+∞n\to +\infty concerning the property that such a random basis is reduced in the sense of {\sc Lenstra, Lenstra & Lov\'asz}. The proof passes by the study of the process (r_g+1(n),r_g+2(n),...,r_n−1(n))(r\_{g+1}^{(n)},r\_{g+2}^{(n)},...,r\_{n-1}^{(n)}) where r_j(n)r\_j^{(n)} is the ratio of lengths of two consecutive vectors b∗_n−j+1b^*\_{n-j+1} and b∗_n−jb^*\_{n-j} built from (b_1,...,b_n−g)(b\_1,...,b\_{n-g}) by the Gram--Schmidt orthogonalization procedure, which we believe to be interesting in its own. We show that, as n→+∞n\to+\infty, the process (r_j(n)−1)_j(r\_j^{(n)}-1)\_j tends in distribution in some sense to an explicit process (R_j−1)_j({\mathcal R}\_j -1)\_j; some properties of this latter are provided

    On the reduction of a random basis

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    International audience
For , let be independent random vectors in with the same distribution invariant by rotation and without mass at the origin. Almost surely these vectors form a basis for the Euclidean lattice they generate. The topic of this paper is the property of reduction of this random basis in the sense of Lenstra-Lenstra-Lovász (LLL). If is the basis obtained from by Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization, the quality of the reduction depends upon the sequence of ratios of squared lengths of consecutive vectors , . We show that as the process tends in distribution in some sense to an explicit process ; some properties of the latter are provided. The probability that a random random basis is -LLL-reduced is then showed to converge for , and fixed, or