73,450 research outputs found

    Additive relative invariants and the components of a linear free divisor

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    A 'prehomogeneous vector space' is a rational representation ρ:GGL(V)\rho:G\to\mathrm{GL}(V) of a connected complex linear algebraic group GG that has a Zariski open orbit ΩV\Omega\subset V. Mikio Sato showed that the hypersurface components of D:=VΩD:=V\setminus \Omega are related to the rational characters HGL(C)H\to\mathrm{GL}(\mathbb{C}) of HH, an algebraic abelian quotient of GG. Mimicking this work, we investigate the 'additive functions' of HH, the homomorphisms Φ:H(C,+)\Phi:H\to (\mathbb{C},+). Each such Φ\Phi is related to an 'additive relative invariant', a rational function hh on VV such that hρ(g)h=Φ(g)h\circ \rho(g)-h=\Phi(g) on Ω\Omega for all gGg\in G. Such an hh is homogeneous of degree 00, and helps describe the behavior of certain subsets of DD under the GG--action. For those prehomogeneous vector spaces with DD a type of hypersurface called a linear free divisor, we prove there are no nontrivial additive functions of HH, and hence HH is an algebraic torus. From this we gain insight into the structure of such representations and prove that the number of irreducible components of DD equals the dimension of the abelianization of GG. For some special cases (GG abelian, reductive, or solvable, or DD irreducible) we simplify proofs of existing results. We also examine the homotopy groups of VDV\setminus D.Comment: 27 pages. From v1, strengthen results in section 3, improve prose, and update contact informatio

    On the rational subset problem for groups

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    We use language theory to study the rational subset problem for groups and monoids. We show that the decidability of this problem is preserved under graph of groups constructions with finite edge groups. In particular, it passes through free products amalgamated over finite subgroups and HNN extensions with finite associated subgroups. We provide a simple proof of a result of Grunschlag showing that the decidability of this problem is a virtual property. We prove further that the problem is decidable for a direct product of a group G with a monoid M if and only if membership is uniformly decidable for G-automata subsets of M. It follows that a direct product of a free group with any abelian group or commutative monoid has decidable rational subset membership.Comment: 19 page

    Foliations for solving equations in groups: free, virtually free, and hyperbolic groups

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    We give an algorithm for solving equations and inequations with rational constraints in virtually free groups. Our algorithm is based on Rips classification of measured band complexes. Using canonical representatives, we deduce an algorithm for solving equations and inequations in hyperbolic groups (maybe with torsion). Additionnally, we can deal with quasi-isometrically embeddable rational constraints.Comment: 70 pages, 7 figures, revised version. To appear in Journal of Topolog