35 research outputs found

    Quantum Communication Cannot Simulate a Public Coin

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    We study the simultaneous message passing model of communication complexity. Building on the quantum fingerprinting protocol of Buhrman et al., Yao recently showed that a large class of efficient classical public-coin protocols can be turned into efficient quantum protocols without public coin. This raises the question whether this can be done always, i.e. whether quantum communication can always replace a public coin in the SMP model. We answer this question in the negative, exhibiting a communication problem where classical communication with public coin is exponentially more efficient than quantum communication. Together with a separation in the other direction due to Bar-Yossef et al., this shows that the quantum SMP model is incomparable with the classical public-coin SMP model. In addition we give a characterization of the power of quantum fingerprinting by means of a connection to geometrical tools from machine learning, a quadratic improvement of Yao's simulation, and a nearly tight analysis of the Hamming distance problem from Yao's paper.Comment: 12 pages LaTe

    Strengths and Weaknesses of Quantum Fingerprinting

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    We study the power of quantum fingerprints in the simultaneous message passing (SMP) setting of communication complexity. Yao recently showed how to simulate, with exponential overhead, classical shared-randomness SMP protocols by means of quantum SMP protocols without shared randomness (QQ^\parallel-protocols). Our first result is to extend Yao's simulation to the strongest possible model: every many-round quantum protocol with unlimited shared entanglement can be simulated, with exponential overhead, by QQ^\parallel-protocols. We apply our technique to obtain an efficient QQ^\parallel-protocol for a function which cannot be efficiently solved through more restricted simulations. Second, we tightly characterize the power of the quantum fingerprinting technique by making a connection to arrangements of homogeneous halfspaces with maximal margin. These arrangements have been well studied in computational learning theory, and we use some strong results obtained in this area to exhibit weaknesses of quantum fingerprinting. In particular, this implies that for almost all functions, quantum fingerprinting protocols are exponentially worse than classical deterministic SMP protocols.Comment: 13 pages, no figures, to appear in CCC'0

    The Communication Complexity of the Hamming Distance Problem

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    We investigate the randomized and quantum communication complexity of the Hamming Distance problem, which is to determine if the Hamming distance between two n-bit strings is no less than a threshold d. We prove a quantum lower bound of \Omega(d) qubits in the general interactive model with shared prior entanglement. We also construct a classical protocol of O(d \log d) bits in the restricted Simultaneous Message Passing model, improving previous protocols of O(d^2) bits (A. C.-C. Yao, Proceedings of the Thirty-Fifth Annual ACM Symposium on Theory of Computing, pp. 77-81, 2003), and O(d\log n) bits (D. Gavinsky, J. Kempe, and R. de Wolf, quant-ph/0411051, 2004).Comment: 8 pages, v3, updated reference. to appear in Information Processing Letters, 200

    Efficient quantum protocols for XOR functions

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    We show that for any Boolean function f on {0,1}^n, the bounded-error quantum communication complexity of XOR functions ff\circ \oplus satisfies that Qϵ(f)=O(2d(logf^1,ϵ+lognϵ)log(1/ϵ))Q_\epsilon(f\circ \oplus) = O(2^d (\log\|\hat f\|_{1,\epsilon} + \log \frac{n}{\epsilon}) \log(1/\epsilon)), where d is the F2-degree of f, and f^1,ϵ=ming:fgϵf^1\|\hat f\|_{1,\epsilon} = \min_{g:\|f-g\|_\infty \leq \epsilon} \|\hat f\|_1. This implies that the previous lower bound Qϵ(f)=Ω(logf^1,ϵ)Q_\epsilon(f\circ \oplus) = \Omega(\log\|\hat f\|_{1,\epsilon}) by Lee and Shraibman \cite{LS09} is tight for f with low F2-degree. The result also confirms the quantum version of the Log-rank Conjecture for low-degree XOR functions. In addition, we show that the exact quantum communication complexity satisfies QE(f)=O(2dlogf^0)Q_E(f) = O(2^d \log \|\hat f\|_0), where f^0\|\hat f\|_0 is the number of nonzero Fourier coefficients of f. This matches the previous lower bound QE(f(x,y))=Ω(logrank(Mf))Q_E(f(x,y)) = \Omega(\log rank(M_f)) by Buhrman and de Wolf \cite{BdW01} for low-degree XOR functions.Comment: 11 pages, no figur

    A Note on Shared Randomness and Shared Entanglement in Communication

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    We consider several models of 1-round classical and quantum communication, some of these models have not been defined before. We "almost separate" the models of simultaneous quantum message passing with shared entanglement and the model of simultaneous quantum message passing with shared randomness. We define a relation which can be efficiently exactly solved in the first model but cannot be solved efficiently, either exactly or in 0-error setup in the second model. In fact, our relation is exactly solvable even in a more restricted model of simultaneous classical message passing with shared entanglement. As our second contribution we strengthen a result by Yao that a "very short" protocol from the model of simultaneous classical message passing with shared randomness can be simulated in the model of simultaneous quantum message passing: for a boolean function f, QII(f) \in exp(O(RIIp(f))) log n. We show a similar result for protocols from a (stronger) model of 1-way classical message passing with shared randomness: QII(f) \in exp(O(RIp(f))) log n. We demonstrate a problem whose efficient solution in the model of simultaneous quantum message passing follows from our result but not from Yao's.Comment: Stronger separation, minor changes and fixe

    Classical and quantum fingerprinting with shared randomness and one-sided error

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    Within the simultaneous message passing model of communication complexity, under a public-coin assumption, we derive the minimum achievable worst-case error probability of a classical fingerprinting protocol with one-sided error. We then present entanglement-assisted quantum fingerprinting protocols attaining worst-case error probabilities that breach this bound.Comment: 10 pages, 1 figur

    Unbounded-Error Classical and Quantum Communication Complexity

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    Since the seminal work of Paturi and Simon \cite[FOCS'84 & JCSS'86]{PS86}, the unbounded-error classical communication complexity of a Boolean function has been studied based on the arrangement of points and hyperplanes. Recently, \cite[ICALP'07]{INRY07} found that the unbounded-error {\em quantum} communication complexity in the {\em one-way communication} model can also be investigated using the arrangement, and showed that it is exactly (without a difference of even one qubit) half of the classical one-way communication complexity. In this paper, we extend the arrangement argument to the {\em two-way} and {\em simultaneous message passing} (SMP) models. As a result, we show similarly tight bounds of the unbounded-error two-way/one-way/SMP quantum/classical communication complexities for {\em any} partial/total Boolean function, implying that all of them are equivalent up to a multiplicative constant of four. Moreover, the arrangement argument is also used to show that the gap between {\em weakly} unbounded-error quantum and classical communication complexities is at most a factor of three.Comment: 11 pages. To appear at Proc. ISAAC 200