22 research outputs found

    2.45 GHz Rectenna With High Gain For RF Energy Harvesting

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    This paper presents a high gain rectenna at 2.45 GHz. Two layers low cost FR4 substrate has been used with air-gap technology for this fabricated rectenna. The proposed designs contain antenna and open stub rectifying circuits with feedline. With the dimension of 100x100x5 mm3, this rectenna can perform high gain. The technique of air gap approach has been used for this proposed rectenna design so as to increase the antenna gain. Second and third harmonics has been eliminated by the introducing of triangular slot and ground plane to the developed design. The proposed rectenna successfully achievedthe output voltages reaches 0.46 V when the input power is 0 dBm respectively when the input power range is between -25 to 30 dBm. It is also can reach up to 6V when the maximum input power is applied. High gain, simple design, low profile and easy integration are the main advantages of this design of the rectenna when compared to past researchers

    Optimization and Analysis of Wireless Powered Multi-antenna Cooperative Systems

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    In this paper, we consider a three-node cooperative wireless powered communication system consisting of a multi-antenna hybrid access point (H-AP) and a single-antenna relay and a single-antenna user. The energy constrained relay and user first harvest energy in the downlink and then the relay assists the user using the harvested power for information transmission in the uplink. The optimal energy beamforming vector and the time split between harvest and cooperation are investigated. To reduce the computational complexity, suboptimal designs are also studied, where closed-form expressions are derived for the energy beamforming vector and the time split. For comparison purposes, we also present a detailed performance analysis in terms of the achievable outage probability and the average throughput of an intuitive energy beamforming scheme, where the H-AP directs all the energy towards the user. The findings of the paper suggest that implementing multiple antennas at the H-AP can significantly improve the system performance, and the closed-form suboptimal energy beamforming vector and time split yields near optimal performance. Also, for the intuitive beamforming scheme, a diversity order of (N+1)/2 can be achieved, where N is the number of antennas at the H-AP

    Beamforming Optimization for Full-Duplex Wireless-powered MIMO Systems

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    We propose techniques for optimizing transmit beamforming in a full-duplex multiple-input-multiple-output (MIMO) wireless-powered communication system, which consists of two phases. In the first phase, the wireless-powered mobile station (MS) harvests energy using signals from the base station (BS), whereas in the second phase, both MS and BS communicate to each other in a full-duplex mode. When complete instantaneous channel state information (CSI) is available, the BS beamformer and the time-splitting (TS) parameter of energy harvesting are jointly optimized in order to obtain the BS-MS rate region. The joint optimization problem is non-convex, however, a computationally efficient optimum technique, based upon semidefinite relaxation and line-search, is proposed to solve the problem. A sub-optimum zero-forcing approach is also proposed, in which a closed-form solution of TS parameter is obtained. When only second-order statistics of transmit CSI is available, we propose to maximize the ergodic information rate at the MS, while maintaining the outage probability at the BS below a certain threshold. An upper bound for the outage probability is also derived and an approximate convex optimization framework is proposed for efficiently solving the underlying non-convex problem. Simulations demonstrate the advantages of the proposed methods over the sub-optimum and half-duplex ones.Comment: 14 pages, accepte

    Wireless Power Transfer in Distributed Antenna Systems

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    This paper studies the performance of wireless power transfer in distributed antenna systems (DAS). In particular, the distributed remote radio heads (RRHs), which are conventionally distributed in the network to enhance the performance, are also used to increase the energy harvesting (EH) at the energy-constrained users. Based on this idea, the network area is divided into two zones, namely, A) EH zone and B) Interference zone. The users in the EH zones are guaranteed to harvest sufficient energy from the closed RRH, while the users in the interference zones harvest energy from the surrounding RRHs. A harvest-then-transmit protocol is adopted, where in the power transfer phase the multiple antennas RRHs broadcast energy signals to the users. In the information transmission phase, the users utilize the harvested energy to transmit their signals to the RRHs. In addition, zero-forcing is applied at the RRHs receivers, to mitigate the interference. The system spectral efficiency is evaluated in two different scenarios based on the channel state information (CSI), namely: 1) CSI is unknown at the RRHs; 2) CSI is perfectly known at the RRHs. In contrast to conventional EH-muliple input multiple output (MIMO) systems, performance analysis of EH DAS-MIMO is a challenging problem, because the channels are characterized by non-identical path-loss and EH effects which make the classical analytical methods nontractable. In light of this, new analytical expressions of the ergodic spectral efficiency are derived, and then Monte-Carlo simulations are provided to verify the accuracy of our analysis. The effects of main system parameters on the EH-DAS performance are investigated. The results show that there is an optimal value of the EH time for each users locations that maximizes the system performance. In addition, size of the EH-zone area depends on the required harvested power at the users which is dependent essentially on the target spectral efficiency

    Low-power downlink for the Internet of Things using IEEE 802.11-compliant wake-up receivers

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    National Research Foundation (NRF) Singapore under NRF Investigatorship gran