7 research outputs found

    An Investigation into the Pedagogical Features of Documents

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    Characterizing the content of a technical document in terms of its learning utility can be useful for applications related to education, such as generating reading lists from large collections of documents. We refer to this learning utility as the "pedagogical value" of the document to the learner. While pedagogical value is an important concept that has been studied extensively within the education domain, there has been little work exploring it from a computational, i.e., natural language processing (NLP), perspective. To allow a computational exploration of this concept, we introduce the notion of "pedagogical roles" of documents (e.g., Tutorial and Survey) as an intermediary component for the study of pedagogical value. Given the lack of available corpora for our exploration, we create the first annotated corpus of pedagogical roles and use it to test baseline techniques for automatic prediction of such roles.Comment: 12th Workshop on Innovative Use of NLP for Building Educational Applications (BEA) at EMNLP 2017; 12 page

    Personal recommender systems for learners in lifelong learning networks: requirements, techniques and model

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    This article argues for the need of personal recommender systems in lifelong learning networks that provide learners advice on suitable learning activities to follow. Existing recommender systems and recommendation techniques used for consumer products and other contexts are assessed on their suitability for providing navigation support in a learning network. Similarities and differences are translated into specific demands for learning and specific requirements for recommendation techniques. We propose a combination of memory-based recommendation techniques that appear suitable to realize personalized recommendation on learning activities in the context of e-learning. An initial model for the design of such systems in learning networks and a roadmap for their further development are presented

    Proceedings of the 3rd Workshop on Social Information Retrieval for Technology-Enhanced Learning

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    Learning and teaching resource are available on the Web - both in terms of digital learning content and people resources (e.g. other learners, experts, tutors). They can be used to facilitate teaching and learning tasks. The remaining challenge is to develop, deploy and evaluate Social information retrieval (SIR) methods, techniques and systems that provide learners and teachers with guidance in potentially overwhelming variety of choices. The aim of the SIRTEL’09 workshop is to look onward beyond recent achievements to discuss specific topics, emerging research issues, new trends and endeavors in SIR for TEL. The workshop will bring together researchers and practitioners to present, and more importantly, to discuss the current status of research in SIR and TEL and its implications for science and teaching

    Sistema de recomendación de recursos basado en filtrado colaborativo para la plataforma edX

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    En los últimos años ha surgido el concepto de MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) así como plataformas asociadas para dar soporte a estos cursos. Las plataformas diseñadas para este fin ofertan cursos en línea accesibles a nivel mundial de manera abierta, por lo que tienen que afrontar el reto de dar servicio a un gran número de usuarios, del orden de miles o decenas de miles, de forma que su experiencia de aprendizaje sea óptima y lo más productiva posible. Una de las plataformas de MOOCs más populares es edX. En este proyecto se ha desarrollado un recomendador de recursos educativos para la plataforma edX, incluyendo el diseño de un algoritmo de recomendación de los problemas que el usuario debería realizar a continuación. El algoritmo se basa en recomendar problemas con los que han interaccionado, realizado y aprobado usuarios similares al usuario al que se va a realizar la recomendación. La similitud de los usuarios se calcula en función de las notas obtenidas en los distintos problemas del curso. En cualquier momento el usuario puede seleccionar la pestaña de recomendación (Recommend Me!), situada en la parte superior del sistema de gestión del aprendizaje (LMS) junto al resto de las pestañas del curso, y obtener un número determinado de problemas propuestos. Para el desarrollo de esta aplicación se ha trabajado con una instancia de la plataforma edX y se ha utilizado el framework Django. Posteriormente, para la evaluación del algoritmo se han creado dos cursos ficticios en el sistema de gestión de contenidos (CMS) de la plataforma e, igualmente, registrar de forma ficticia varios alumnos en estos cursos para hacer una serie de pruebas y poder garantizar la precisión de las recomendaciones generadas por el algoritmoIngeniería Técnica en Telemátic