1,816 research outputs found

    Study of Gaussian Relay Channels with Correlated Noises

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    In this paper, we consider full-duplex and half-duplex Gaussian relay channels where the noises at the relay and destination are arbitrarily correlated. We first derive the capacity upper bound and the achievable rates with three existing schemes: Decode-and-Forward (DF), Compress-and-Forward (CF), and Amplify-and-Forward (AF). We present two capacity results under specific noise correlation coefficients, one being achieved by DF and the other being achieved by direct link transmission (or a special case of CF). The channel for the former capacity result is equivalent to the traditional Gaussian degraded relay channel and the latter corresponds to the Gaussian reversely-degraded relay channel. For CF and AF schemes, we show that their achievable rates are strictly decreasing functions over the negative correlation coefficient. Through numerical comparisons under different channel settings, we observe that although DF completely disregards the noise correlation while the other two can potentially exploit such extra information, none of the three relay schemes always outperforms the others over different correlation coefficients. Moreover, the exploitation of noise correlation by CF and AF accrues more benefit when the source-relay link is weak. This paper also considers the optimal power allocation problem under the correlated-noise channel setting. With individual power constraints at the relay and the source, it is shown that the relay should use all its available power to maximize the achievable rates under any correlation coefficient. With a total power constraint across the source and the relay, the achievable rates are proved to be concave functions over the power allocation factor for AF and CF under full-duplex mode, where the closed-form power allocation strategy is derived.Comment: 24 pages, 7 figures, submitted to IEEE Transactions on Communication

    Exploiting secure performance of full-duplex decode and forward in optimal relay selection networks

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    In the presence of an illegitimate user, we investigate the secrecy outage probability (SOP) of the optimal relay selection (ORS) networks by applying decode-and-forward (DnF) based full-duplex (FD) relaying mode. The closed-form expressions for the allocations of the end-to-end signal-to-interference-plus-noise ratio (SINR) in each wireless network are derived as well as the closed-form expression for the exact SOP of the proposed ORS system is presented under Rayleigh fading schemes. As an important achievement, SOP is also compared between orthogonal multiple access (OMA) and non-orthogonal multiple access (NOMA) schemes. Our results reveal that the SOP of the suggested scheme can be considerably influenced by several parameters involved, including the number of relays, the average signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) of eavesdropper links, transmit power and the average residual self-interference (SI) enforced on the FD relays.Web of Science244767