6,690 research outputs found

    Autonomous Algorithms for Centralized and Distributed Interference Coordination: A Virtual Layer Based Approach

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    Interference mitigation techniques are essential for improving the performance of interference limited wireless networks. In this paper, we introduce novel interference mitigation schemes for wireless cellular networks with space division multiple access (SDMA). The schemes are based on a virtual layer that captures and simplifies the complicated interference situation in the network and that is used for power control. We show how optimization in this virtual layer generates gradually adapting power control settings that lead to autonomous interference minimization. Thereby, the granularity of control ranges from controlling frequency sub-band power via controlling the power on a per-beam basis, to a granularity of only enforcing average power constraints per beam. In conjunction with suitable short-term scheduling, our algorithms gradually steer the network towards a higher utility. We use extensive system-level simulations to compare three distributed algorithms and evaluate their applicability for different user mobility assumptions. In particular, it turns out that larger gains can be achieved by imposing average power constraints and allowing opportunistic scheduling instantaneously, rather than controlling the power in a strict way. Furthermore, we introduce a centralized algorithm, which directly solves the underlying optimization and shows fast convergence, as a performance benchmark for the distributed solutions. Moreover, we investigate the deviation from global optimality by comparing to a branch-and-bound-based solution.Comment: revised versio

    Selective Fair Scheduling over Fading Channels

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    Imposing fairness in resource allocation incurs a loss of system throughput, known as the Price of Fairness (PoFPoF). In wireless scheduling, PoFPoF increases when serving users with very poor channel quality because the scheduler wastes resources trying to be fair. This paper proposes a novel resource allocation framework to rigorously address this issue. We introduce selective fairness: being fair only to selected users, and improving PoFPoF by momentarily blocking the rest. We study the associated admission control problem of finding the user selection that minimizes PoFPoF subject to selective fairness, and show that this combinatorial problem can be solved efficiently if the feasibility set satisfies a condition; in our model it suffices that the wireless channels are stochastically dominated. Exploiting selective fairness, we design a stochastic framework where we minimize PoFPoF subject to an SLA, which ensures that an ergodic subscriber is served frequently enough. In this context, we propose an online policy that combines the drift-plus-penalty technique with Gradient-Based Scheduling experts, and we prove it achieves the optimal PoFPoF. Simulations show that our intelligent blocking outperforms by 40%\% in throughput previous approaches which satisfy the SLA by blocking low-SNR users

    On Resource Allocation in Fading Multiple Access Channels - An Efficient Approximate Projection Approach

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    We consider the problem of rate and power allocation in a multiple-access channel. Our objective is to obtain rate and power allocation policies that maximize a general concave utility function of average transmission rates on the information theoretic capacity region of the multiple-access channel. Our policies does not require queue-length information. We consider several different scenarios. First, we address the utility maximization problem in a nonfading channel to obtain the optimal operating rates, and present an iterative gradient projection algorithm that uses approximate projection. By exploiting the polymatroid structure of the capacity region, we show that the approximate projection can be implemented in time polynomial in the number of users. Second, we consider resource allocation in a fading channel. Optimal rate and power allocation policies are presented for the case that power control is possible and channel statistics are available. For the case that transmission power is fixed and channel statistics are unknown, we propose a greedy rate allocation policy and provide bounds on the performance difference of this policy and the optimal policy in terms of channel variations and structure of the utility function. We present numerical results that demonstrate superior convergence rate performance for the greedy policy compared to queue-length based policies. In order to reduce the computational complexity of the greedy policy, we present approximate rate allocation policies which track the greedy policy within a certain neighborhood that is characterized in terms of the speed of fading.Comment: 32 pages, Submitted to IEEE Trans. on Information Theor

    A control theoretic approach to achieve proportional fairness in 802.11e EDCA WLANs

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    This paper considers proportional fairness amongst ACs in an EDCA WLAN for provision of distinct QoS requirements and priority parameters. A detailed theoretical analysis is provided to derive the optimal station attempt probability which leads to a proportional fair allocation of station throughputs. The desirable fairness can be achieved using a centralised adaptive control approach. This approach is based on multivariable statespace control theory and uses the Linear Quadratic Integral (LQI) controller to periodically update CWmin till the optimal fair point of operation. Performance evaluation demonstrates that the control approach has high accuracy performance and fast convergence speed for general network scenarios. To our knowledge this might be the first time that a closed-loop control system is designed for EDCA WLANs to achieve proportional fairness

    On Asymptotic Optimality of Dual Scheduling Algorithm In A Generalized Switch

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    Generalized switch is a model of a queueing system where parallel servers are interdependent and have time-varying service capabilities. This paper considers the dual scheduling algorithm that uses rate control and queue-length based scheduling to allocate resources for a generalized switch. We consider a saturated system in which each user has infinite amount of data to be served. We prove the asymptotic optimality of the dual scheduling algorithm for such a system, which says that the vector of average service rates of the scheduling algorithm maximizes some aggregate concave utility functions. As the fairness objectives can be achieved by appropriately choosing utility functions, the asymptotic optimality establishes the fairness properties of the dual scheduling algorithm. The dual scheduling algorithm motivates a new architecture for scheduling, in which an additional queue is introduced to interface the user data queue and the time-varying server and to modulate the scheduling process, so as to achieve different performance objectives. Further research would include scheduling with Quality of Service guarantees with the dual scheduler, and its application and implementation in various versions of the generalized switch model

    Distributive Stochastic Learning for Delay-Optimal OFDMA Power and Subband Allocation

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    In this paper, we consider the distributive queue-aware power and subband allocation design for a delay-optimal OFDMA uplink system with one base station, KK users and NFN_F independent subbands. Each mobile has an uplink queue with heterogeneous packet arrivals and delay requirements. We model the problem as an infinite horizon average reward Markov Decision Problem (MDP) where the control actions are functions of the instantaneous Channel State Information (CSI) as well as the joint Queue State Information (QSI). To address the distributive requirement and the issue of exponential memory requirement and computational complexity, we approximate the subband allocation Q-factor by the sum of the per-user subband allocation Q-factor and derive a distributive online stochastic learning algorithm to estimate the per-user Q-factor and the Lagrange multipliers (LM) simultaneously and determine the control actions using an auction mechanism. We show that under the proposed auction mechanism, the distributive online learning converges almost surely (with probability 1). For illustration, we apply the proposed distributive stochastic learning framework to an application example with exponential packet size distribution. We show that the delay-optimal power control has the {\em multi-level water-filling} structure where the CSI determines the instantaneous power allocation and the QSI determines the water-level. The proposed algorithm has linear signaling overhead and computational complexity O(KN)\mathcal O(KN), which is desirable from an implementation perspective.Comment: To appear in Transactions on Signal Processin

    The Value-of-Information in Matching with Queues

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    We consider the problem of \emph{optimal matching with queues} in dynamic systems and investigate the value-of-information. In such systems, the operators match tasks and resources stored in queues, with the objective of maximizing the system utility of the matching reward profile, minus the average matching cost. This problem appears in many practical systems and the main challenges are the no-underflow constraints, and the lack of matching-reward information and system dynamics statistics. We develop two online matching algorithms: Learning-aided Reward optimAl Matching (LRAM\mathtt{LRAM}) and Dual-LRAM\mathtt{LRAM} (DRAM\mathtt{DRAM}) to effectively resolve both challenges. Both algorithms are equipped with a learning module for estimating the matching-reward information, while DRAM\mathtt{DRAM} incorporates an additional module for learning the system dynamics. We show that both algorithms achieve an O(ϵ+δr)O(\epsilon+\delta_r) close-to-optimal utility performance for any ϵ>0\epsilon>0, while DRAM\mathtt{DRAM} achieves a faster convergence speed and a better delay compared to LRAM\mathtt{LRAM}, i.e., O(δz/ϵ+log(1/ϵ)2))O(\delta_{z}/\epsilon + \log(1/\epsilon)^2)) delay and O(δz/ϵ)O(\delta_z/\epsilon) convergence under DRAM\mathtt{DRAM} compared to O(1/ϵ)O(1/\epsilon) delay and convergence under LRAM\mathtt{LRAM} (δr\delta_r and δz\delta_z are maximum estimation errors for reward and system dynamics). Our results reveal that information of different system components can play very different roles in algorithm performance and provide a systematic way for designing joint learning-control algorithms for dynamic systems