165 research outputs found

    Douglas-Rachford Splitting: Complexity Estimates and Accelerated Variants

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    We propose a new approach for analyzing convergence of the Douglas-Rachford splitting method for solving convex composite optimization problems. The approach is based on a continuously differentiable function, the Douglas-Rachford Envelope (DRE), whose stationary points correspond to the solutions of the original (possibly nonsmooth) problem. By proving the equivalence between the Douglas-Rachford splitting method and a scaled gradient method applied to the DRE, results from smooth unconstrained optimization are employed to analyze convergence properties of DRS, to tune the method and to derive an accelerated version of it

    Distributed Solution of Large-Scale Linear Systems via Accelerated Projection-Based Consensus

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    Solving a large-scale system of linear equations is a key step at the heart of many algorithms in machine learning, scientific computing, and beyond. When the problem dimension is large, computational and/or memory constraints make it desirable, or even necessary, to perform the task in a distributed fashion. In this paper, we consider a common scenario in which a taskmaster intends to solve a large-scale system of linear equations by distributing subsets of the equations among a number of computing machines/cores. We propose an accelerated distributed consensus algorithm, in which at each iteration every machine updates its solution by adding a scaled version of the projection of an error signal onto the nullspace of its system of equations, and where the taskmaster conducts an averaging over the solutions with momentum. The convergence behavior of the proposed algorithm is analyzed in detail and analytically shown to compare favorably with the convergence rate of alternative distributed methods, namely distributed gradient descent, distributed versions of Nesterov's accelerated gradient descent and heavy-ball method, the block Cimmino method, and ADMM. On randomly chosen linear systems, as well as on real-world data sets, the proposed method offers significant speed-up relative to all the aforementioned methods. Finally, our analysis suggests a novel variation of the distributed heavy-ball method, which employs a particular distributed preconditioning, and which achieves the same theoretical convergence rate as the proposed consensus-based method

    Nonconvex Sparse Spectral Clustering by Alternating Direction Method of Multipliers and Its Convergence Analysis

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    Spectral Clustering (SC) is a widely used data clustering method which first learns a low-dimensional embedding UU of data by computing the eigenvectors of the normalized Laplacian matrix, and then performs k-means on U⊤U^\top to get the final clustering result. The Sparse Spectral Clustering (SSC) method extends SC with a sparse regularization on UU⊤UU^\top by using the block diagonal structure prior of UU⊤UU^\top in the ideal case. However, encouraging UU⊤UU^\top to be sparse leads to a heavily nonconvex problem which is challenging to solve and the work (Lu, Yan, and Lin 2016) proposes a convex relaxation in the pursuit of this aim indirectly. However, the convex relaxation generally leads to a loose approximation and the quality of the solution is not clear. This work instead considers to solve the nonconvex formulation of SSC which directly encourages UU⊤UU^\top to be sparse. We propose an efficient Alternating Direction Method of Multipliers (ADMM) to solve the nonconvex SSC and provide the convergence guarantee. In particular, we prove that the sequences generated by ADMM always exist a limit point and any limit point is a stationary point. Our analysis does not impose any assumptions on the iterates and thus is practical. Our proposed ADMM for nonconvex problems allows the stepsize to be increasing but upper bounded, and this makes it very efficient in practice. Experimental analysis on several real data sets verifies the effectiveness of our method.Comment: Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI). 201
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