1 research outputs found

    On the Number of Synchronous Rounds Required for Byzantine Agreement

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    Byzantine agreement is typically considered with respect to either a fully synchronous network or a fully asynchronous one. In the synchronous case, either t+1t+1 deterministic rounds are necessary in order to achieve Byzantine agreement or at least some expected large constant number of rounds. In this paper we examine the question of how many initial synchronous rounds are required for Byzantine agreement if we allow to switch to asynchronous operation afterwards. Let n=h+tn=h+t be the number of parties where hh are honest and tt are corrupted. As the main result we show that, in the model with a public-key infrastructure and signatures, d+O(1)d+O(1) deterministic synchronous rounds are sufficient where dd is the minimal integer such that nβˆ’d>3(tβˆ’d)n-d>3(t-d). This improves over the t+1t+1 necessary deterministic rounds for almost all cases, and over the exact expected number of rounds in the non-deterministic case for many cases