270 research outputs found

    On the multiple unicast capacity of 3-source, 3-terminal directed acyclic networks

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    We consider the multiple unicast problem with three source-terminal pairs over directed acyclic networks with unit-capacity edges. The three sitis_i-t_i pairs wish to communicate at unit-rate via network coding. The connectivity between the sitis_i - t_i pairs is quantified by means of a connectivity level vector, [k1k2k3][k_1 k_2 k_3] such that there exist kik_i edge-disjoint paths between sis_i and tit_i. In this work we attempt to classify networks based on the connectivity level. It can be observed that unit-rate transmission can be supported by routing if ki3k_i \geq 3, for all i=1,,3i = 1, \dots, 3. In this work, we consider, connectivity level vectors such that mini=1,,3ki<3\min_{i = 1, \dots, 3} k_i < 3. We present either a constructive linear network coding scheme or an instance of a network that cannot support the desired unit-rate requirement, for all such connectivity level vectors except the vector [1 2 4][1~2~4] (and its permutations). The benefits of our schemes extend to networks with higher and potentially different edge capacities. Specifically, our experimental results indicate that for networks where the different source-terminal paths have a significant overlap, our constructive unit-rate schemes can be packed along with routing to provide higher throughput as compared to a pure routing approach.Comment: To appear in the IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networkin

    Communicating the sum of sources over a network

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    We consider the network communication scenario, over directed acyclic networks with unit capacity edges in which a number of sources sis_i each holding independent unit-entropy information XiX_i wish to communicate the sum Xi\sum{X_i} to a set of terminals tjt_j. We show that in the case in which there are only two sources or only two terminals, communication is possible if and only if each source terminal pair si/tjs_i/t_j is connected by at least a single path. For the more general communication problem in which there are three sources and three terminals, we prove that a single path connecting the source terminal pairs does not suffice to communicate Xi\sum{X_i}. We then present an efficient encoding scheme which enables the communication of Xi\sum{X_i} for the three sources, three terminals case, given that each source terminal pair is connected by {\em two} edge disjoint paths.Comment: 12 pages, IEEE JSAC: Special Issue on In-network Computation:Exploring the Fundamental Limits (to appear

    Capacity of Sum-networks for Different Message Alphabets

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    A sum-network is a directed acyclic network in which all terminal nodes demand the `sum' of the independent information observed at the source nodes. Many characteristics of the well-studied multiple-unicast network communication problem also hold for sum-networks due to a known reduction between instances of these two problems. Our main result is that unlike a multiple unicast network, the coding capacity of a sum-network is dependent on the message alphabet. We demonstrate this using a construction procedure and show that the choice of a message alphabet can reduce the coding capacity of a sum-network from 11 to close to 00

    Network monitoring in multicast networks using network coding

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    In this paper we show how information contained in robust network codes can be used for passive inference of possible locations of link failures or losses in a network. For distributed randomized network coding, we bound the probability of being able to distinguish among a given set of failure events, and give some experimental results for one and two link failures in randomly generated networks. We also bound the required field size and complexity for designing a robust network code that distinguishes among a given set of failure events

    On routing-optimal networks for multiple unicasts

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    In this paper, we consider the problem of multiple unicast sessions over a directed acyclic graph. It is well known that linear network coding is insufficient for achieving the capacity region, in the general case. However, there exist networks for which routing is sufficient to achieve the whole rate region, and we refer to them as routing-optimal networks. We identify a class of routing-optimal networks, which we refer to as information-distributive networks, defined by three topological features. Due to these features, for each rate vector achieved by network coding, there is always a routing scheme such that it achieves the same rate vector, and the traffic transmitted through the network is exactly the information transmitted over the cut-sets between the sources and the sinks in the corresponding network coding scheme. We present examples of information-distributive networks, including some examples from (1) index coding and (2) from a single unicast session with hard deadline constraint. © 2014 IEEE

    On Approximating the Sum-Rate for Multiple-Unicasts

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    We study upper bounds on the sum-rate of multiple-unicasts. We approximate the Generalized Network Sharing Bound (GNS cut) of the multiple-unicasts network coding problem with kk independent sources. Our approximation algorithm runs in polynomial time and yields an upper bound on the joint source entropy rate, which is within an O(log2k)O(\log^2 k) factor from the GNS cut. It further yields a vector-linear network code that achieves joint source entropy rate within an O(log2k)O(\log^2 k) factor from the GNS cut, but \emph{not} with independent sources: the code induces a correlation pattern among the sources. Our second contribution is establishing a separation result for vector-linear network codes: for any given field F\mathbb{F} there exist networks for which the optimum sum-rate supported by vector-linear codes over F\mathbb{F} for independent sources can be multiplicatively separated by a factor of k1δk^{1-\delta}, for any constant δ>0{\delta>0}, from the optimum joint entropy rate supported by a code that allows correlation between sources. Finally, we establish a similar separation result for the asymmetric optimum vector-linear sum-rates achieved over two distinct fields Fp\mathbb{F}_{p} and Fq\mathbb{F}_{q} for independent sources, revealing that the choice of field can heavily impact the performance of a linear network code.Comment: 10 pages; Shorter version appeared at ISIT (International Symposium on Information Theory) 2015; some typos correcte

    On network coding for sum-networks

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    A directed acyclic network is considered where all the terminals need to recover the sum of the symbols generated at all the sources. We call such a network a sum-network. It is shown that there exists a solvably (and linear solvably) equivalent sum-network for any multiple-unicast network, and thus for any directed acyclic communication network. It is also shown that there exists a linear solvably equivalent multiple-unicast network for every sum-network. It is shown that for any set of polynomials having integer coefficients, there exists a sum-network which is scalar linear solvable over a finite field F if and only if the polynomials have a common root in F. For any finite or cofinite set of prime numbers, a network is constructed which has a vector linear solution of any length if and only if the characteristic of the alphabet field is in the given set. The insufficiency of linear network coding and unachievability of the network coding capacity are proved for sum-networks by using similar known results for communication networks. Under fractional vector linear network coding, a sum-network and its reverse network are shown to be equivalent. However, under non-linear coding, it is shown that there exists a solvable sum-network whose reverse network is not solvable.Comment: Accepted to IEEE Transactions on Information Theor