3,196 research outputs found

    An Upper Bound on the Minimum Distance of LDPC Codes over GF(q)

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    In [1] a syndrome counting based upper bound on the minimum distance of regular binary LDPC codes is given. In this paper we extend the bound to the case of irregular and generalized LDPC codes over GF(q). The comparison to the lower bound for LDPC codes over GF(q) and to the upper bound for non-binary codes is done. The new bound is shown to lie under the Gilbert-Varshamov bound at high rates.Comment: 4 pages, submitted to ISIT 201

    New constructions of CSS codes obtained by moving to higher alphabets

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    We generalize a construction of non-binary quantum LDPC codes over \F_{2^m} due to \cite{KHIS11a} and apply it in particular to toric codes. We obtain in this way not only codes with better rates than toric codes but also improve dramatically the performance of standard iterative decoding. Moreover, the new codes obtained in this fashion inherit the distance properties of the underlying toric codes and have therefore a minimum distance which grows as the square root of the length of the code for fixed mm.Comment: 9 pages, 9 figures, full version of a paper submitted to the IEEE Symposium on Information Theor


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    Since Shannon's ground-breaking work in 1948, there have been two main development streams of channel coding in approaching the limit of communication channels, namely classical coding theory which aims at designing codes with large minimum Hamming distance and probabilistic coding which places the emphasis on low complexity probabilistic decoding using long codes built from simple constituent codes. This work presents some further investigations in these two channel coding development streams. Low-density parity-check (LDPC) codes form a class of capacity-approaching codes with sparse parity-check matrix and low-complexity decoder Two novel methods of constructing algebraic binary LDPC codes are presented. These methods are based on the theory of cyclotomic cosets, idempotents and Mattson-Solomon polynomials, and are complementary to each other. The two methods generate in addition to some new cyclic iteratively decodable codes, the well-known Euclidean and projective geometry codes. Their extension to non binary fields is shown to be straightforward. These algebraic cyclic LDPC codes, for short block lengths, converge considerably well under iterative decoding. It is also shown that for some of these codes, maximum likelihood performance may be achieved by a modified belief propagation decoder which uses a different subset of 7^ codewords of the dual code for each iteration. Following a property of the revolving-door combination generator, multi-threaded minimum Hamming distance computation algorithms are developed. Using these algorithms, the previously unknown, minimum Hamming distance of the quadratic residue code for prime 199 has been evaluated. In addition, the highest minimum Hamming distance attainable by all binary cyclic codes of odd lengths from 129 to 189 has been determined, and as many as 901 new binary linear codes which have higher minimum Hamming distance than the previously considered best known linear code have been found. It is shown that by exploiting the structure of circulant matrices, the number of codewords required, to compute the minimum Hamming distance and the number of codewords of a given Hamming weight of binary double-circulant codes based on primes, may be reduced. A means of independently verifying the exhaustively computed number of codewords of a given Hamming weight of these double-circulant codes is developed and in coiyunction with this, it is proved that some published results are incorrect and the correct weight spectra are presented. Moreover, it is shown that it is possible to estimate the minimum Hamming distance of this family of prime-based double-circulant codes. It is shown that linear codes may be efficiently decoded using the incremental correlation Dorsch algorithm. By extending this algorithm, a list decoder is derived and a novel, CRC-less error detection mechanism that offers much better throughput and performance than the conventional ORG scheme is described. Using the same method it is shown that the performance of conventional CRC scheme may be considerably enhanced. Error detection is an integral part of an incremental redundancy communications system and it is shown that sequences of good error correction codes, suitable for use in incremental redundancy communications systems may be obtained using the Constructions X and XX. Examples are given and their performances presented in comparison to conventional CRC schemes

    Distance Properties of Short LDPC Codes and their Impact on the BP, ML and Near-ML Decoding Performance

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    Parameters of LDPC codes, such as minimum distance, stopping distance, stopping redundancy, girth of the Tanner graph, and their influence on the frame error rate performance of the BP, ML and near-ML decoding over a BEC and an AWGN channel are studied. Both random and structured LDPC codes are considered. In particular, the BP decoding is applied to the code parity-check matrices with an increasing number of redundant rows, and the convergence of the performance to that of the ML decoding is analyzed. A comparison of the simulated BP, ML, and near-ML performance with the improved theoretical bounds on the error probability based on the exact weight spectrum coefficients and the exact stopping size spectrum coefficients is presented. It is observed that decoding performance very close to the ML decoding performance can be achieved with a relatively small number of redundant rows for some codes, for both the BEC and the AWGN channels

    Tree-Based Construction of LDPC Codes Having Good Pseudocodeword Weights

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    We present a tree-based construction of LDPC codes that have minimum pseudocodeword weight equal to or almost equal to the minimum distance, and perform well with iterative decoding. The construction involves enumerating a dd-regular tree for a fixed number of layers and employing a connection algorithm based on permutations or mutually orthogonal Latin squares to close the tree. Methods are presented for degrees d=psd=p^s and d=ps+1d = p^s+1, for pp a prime. One class corresponds to the well-known finite-geometry and finite generalized quadrangle LDPC codes; the other codes presented are new. We also present some bounds on pseudocodeword weight for pp-ary LDPC codes. Treating these codes as pp-ary LDPC codes rather than binary LDPC codes improves their rates, minimum distances, and pseudocodeword weights, thereby giving a new importance to the finite geometry LDPC codes where p>2p > 2.Comment: Submitted to Transactions on Information Theory. Submitted: Oct. 1, 2005; Revised: May 1, 2006, Nov. 25, 200

    Quantum Error Correction beyond the Bounded Distance Decoding Limit

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    In this paper, we consider quantum error correction over depolarizing channels with non-binary low-density parity-check codes defined over Galois field of size 2p2^p . The proposed quantum error correcting codes are based on the binary quasi-cyclic CSS (Calderbank, Shor and Steane) codes. The resulting quantum codes outperform the best known quantum codes and surpass the performance limit of the bounded distance decoder. By increasing the size of the underlying Galois field, i.e., 2p2^p, the error floors are considerably improved.Comment: To appear in IEEE Transactions on Information Theor

    Weight Distribution for Non-binary Cluster LDPC Code Ensemble

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    In this paper, we derive the average weight distributions for the irregular non-binary cluster low-density parity-check (LDPC) code ensembles. Moreover, we give the exponential growth rate of the average weight distribution in the limit of large code length. We show that there exist (2,dc)(2,d_c)-regular non-binary cluster LDPC code ensembles whose normalized typical minimum distances are strictly positive.Comment: 12pages, 6 figures, To be presented in ISIT2013, Submitted to IEICE Trans. Fundamental