512 research outputs found

    Guarantees and Limits of Preprocessing in Constraint Satisfaction and Reasoning

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    We present a first theoretical analysis of the power of polynomial-time preprocessing for important combinatorial problems from various areas in AI. We consider problems from Constraint Satisfaction, Global Constraints, Satisfiability, Nonmonotonic and Bayesian Reasoning under structural restrictions. All these problems involve two tasks: (i) identifying the structure in the input as required by the restriction, and (ii) using the identified structure to solve the reasoning task efficiently. We show that for most of the considered problems, task (i) admits a polynomial-time preprocessing to a problem kernel whose size is polynomial in a structural problem parameter of the input, in contrast to task (ii) which does not admit such a reduction to a problem kernel of polynomial size, subject to a complexity theoretic assumption. As a notable exception we show that the consistency problem for the AtMost-NValue constraint admits a polynomial kernel consisting of a quadratic number of variables and domain values. Our results provide a firm worst-case guarantees and theoretical boundaries for the performance of polynomial-time preprocessing algorithms for the considered problems.Comment: arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1104.2541, arXiv:1104.556

    On Polynomial Kernels for Integer Linear Programs: Covering, Packing and Feasibility

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    We study the existence of polynomial kernels for the problem of deciding feasibility of integer linear programs (ILPs), and for finding good solutions for covering and packing ILPs. Our main results are as follows: First, we show that the ILP Feasibility problem admits no polynomial kernelization when parameterized by both the number of variables and the number of constraints, unless NP \subseteq coNP/poly. This extends to the restricted cases of bounded variable degree and bounded number of variables per constraint, and to covering and packing ILPs. Second, we give a polynomial kernelization for the Cover ILP problem, asking for a solution to Ax >= b with c^Tx <= k, parameterized by k, when A is row-sparse; this generalizes a known polynomial kernelization for the special case with 0/1-variables and coefficients (d-Hitting Set)

    Regularization and Kernelization of the Maximin Correlation Approach

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    Robust classification becomes challenging when each class consists of multiple subclasses. Examples include multi-font optical character recognition and automated protein function prediction. In correlation-based nearest-neighbor classification, the maximin correlation approach (MCA) provides the worst-case optimal solution by minimizing the maximum misclassification risk through an iterative procedure. Despite the optimality, the original MCA has drawbacks that have limited its wide applicability in practice. That is, the MCA tends to be sensitive to outliers, cannot effectively handle nonlinearities in datasets, and suffers from having high computational complexity. To address these limitations, we propose an improved solution, named regularized maximin correlation approach (R-MCA). We first reformulate MCA as a quadratically constrained linear programming (QCLP) problem, incorporate regularization by introducing slack variables in the primal problem of the QCLP, and derive the corresponding Lagrangian dual. The dual formulation enables us to apply the kernel trick to R-MCA so that it can better handle nonlinearities. Our experimental results demonstrate that the regularization and kernelization make the proposed R-MCA more robust and accurate for various classification tasks than the original MCA. Furthermore, when the data size or dimensionality grows, R-MCA runs substantially faster by solving either the primal or dual (whichever has a smaller variable dimension) of the QCLP.Comment: Submitted to IEEE Acces

    A structural approach to kernels for ILPs: Treewidth and Total Unimodularity

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    Kernelization is a theoretical formalization of efficient preprocessing for NP-hard problems. Empirically, preprocessing is highly successful in practice, for example in state-of-the-art ILP-solvers like CPLEX. Motivated by this, previous work studied the existence of kernelizations for ILP related problems, e.g., for testing feasibility of Ax <= b. In contrast to the observed success of CPLEX, however, the results were largely negative. Intuitively, practical instances have far more useful structure than the worst-case instances used to prove these lower bounds. In the present paper, we study the effect that subsystems with (Gaifman graph of) bounded treewidth or totally unimodularity have on the kernelizability of the ILP feasibility problem. We show that, on the positive side, if these subsystems have a small number of variables on which they interact with the remaining instance, then we can efficiently replace them by smaller subsystems of size polynomial in the domain without changing feasibility. Thus, if large parts of an instance consist of such subsystems, then this yields a substantial size reduction. We complement this by proving that relaxations to the considered structures, e.g., larger boundaries of the subsystems, allow worst-case lower bounds against kernelization. Thus, these relaxed structures can be used to build instance families that cannot be efficiently reduced, by any approach.Comment: Extended abstract in the Proceedings of the 23rd European Symposium on Algorithms (ESA 2015

    Similarity Learning for Provably Accurate Sparse Linear Classification

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    In recent years, the crucial importance of metrics in machine learning algorithms has led to an increasing interest for optimizing distance and similarity functions. Most of the state of the art focus on learning Mahalanobis distances (requiring to fulfill a constraint of positive semi-definiteness) for use in a local k-NN algorithm. However, no theoretical link is established between the learned metrics and their performance in classification. In this paper, we make use of the formal framework of good similarities introduced by Balcan et al. to design an algorithm for learning a non PSD linear similarity optimized in a nonlinear feature space, which is then used to build a global linear classifier. We show that our approach has uniform stability and derive a generalization bound on the classification error. Experiments performed on various datasets confirm the effectiveness of our approach compared to state-of-the-art methods and provide evidence that (i) it is fast, (ii) robust to overfitting and (iii) produces very sparse classifiers.Comment: Appears in Proceedings of the 29th International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML 2012