4 research outputs found

    On the instrumentation of OpenMP and OmpSs Tasking constructs

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    Parallelism has become more and more commonplace with the advent of the multicore processors. Although different parallel pro- gramming models have arisen to exploit the computing capabilities of such processors, developing applications that take benefit of these pro- cessors may not be easy. And what is worse, the performance achieved by the parallel version of the application may not be what the developer expected, as a result of a dubious ut ilization of the resources offered by the processor. We present in this paper a fruitful synergy of a shared memory parallel compiler and runtime, and a performance extraction library. The objective of this work is not only to reduce the performance analysis life-cycle when doing the parallelization of an application, but also to extend the analysis experience of the parallel application by incorporating data that is only known in the compiler and runtime side. Additionally we present performance results obtained with the execution of instrumented application and evaluate the overhead of the instrumentation.Peer Reviewe

    Reorganització del runtime Nanos++

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    Aquest projecte proposa una reorganització del sistema de gestió de les dependències entre tasques a Nanos++ (runtime del model de programació OmpSs) amb l'objectiu de reduir la contenció d'accés a aquestes estructures, augmentant el paral·lelisme i obtenint un millor aprofitament dels recursos.The goal of this Project is reorganize the dependencies management model between tasks in Nanos++ (OmpSs runtime). The motivation is reduce the access contention of dependencies graph, increasing parallelism and achieving better use of computing resources

    Reorganització del runtime Nanos++

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    Aquest projecte proposa una reorganització del sistema de gestió de les dependències entre tasques a Nanos++ (runtime del model de programació OmpSs) amb l'objectiu de reduir la contenció d'accés a aquestes estructures, augmentant el paral·lelisme i obtenint un millor aprofitament dels recursos.The goal of this Project is reorganize the dependencies management model between tasks in Nanos++ (OmpSs runtime). The motivation is reduce the access contention of dependencies graph, increasing parallelism and achieving better use of computing resources