709 research outputs found

    Optical Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access for Visible Light Communication

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    The proliferation of mobile Internet and connected devices, offering a variety of services at different levels of performance, represents a major challenge for the fifth generation wireless networks and beyond. This requires a paradigm shift towards the development of key enabling techniques for the next generation wireless networks. In this respect, visible light communication (VLC) has recently emerged as a new communication paradigm that is capable of providing ubiquitous connectivity by complementing radio frequency communications. One of the main challenges of VLC systems, however, is the low modulation bandwidth of the light-emitting-diodes, which is in the megahertz range. This article presents a promising technology, referred to as "optical- non-orthogonal multiple access (O-NOMA)", which is envisioned to address the key challenges in the next generation of wireless networks. We provide a detailed overview and analysis of the state-of-the-art integration of O-NOMA in VLC networks. Furthermore, we provide insights on the potential opportunities and challenges as well as some open research problems that are envisioned to pave the way for the future design and implementation of O-NOMA in VLC systems

    Physical-Layer Security in Multiuser Visible Light Communication Networks

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    In this paper, we study the physical-layer security in a 3-D multiuser visible light communication (VLC) network. The locations of access points (APs) and mobile users are modeled as two 2-D, independent and homogeneous Poisson point processes at distinct heights. Using mathematical tools from stochastic geometry, we provide a new analytical framework to characterize the secrecy performance in multiuser VLC networks. Closed-form results for the outage probability and the ergodic secrecy rate are derived for networks without AP cooperation. Considering the cooperation among APs, we give tight lower and upper bounds on the secrecy outage probability and the ergodic secrecy rate. To further enhance the secrecy performance at the legitimate user, a disk-shaped secrecy protected zone is implemented in the vicinity of the transmit AP. Based on the obtained results, it is shown that cooperating neighboring APs in a multiuser VLC network can bring performance gains on the secrecy rate, but only to a limited extent. We also show that building an eavesdropper-free protected zone around the AP significantly improves the secrecy performance of legitimate users, which appears to be a promising solution for the design of multiuser VLC networks with high security requirements

    Performance Evaluation of Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access in Visible Light Communication

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    Challenges and Opportunities of Optical Wireless Communication Technologies

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    In this chapter, we present various opportunities of using optical wireless communication (OWC) technologies in each sector of optical communication networks. Moreover, challenges of optical wireless network implementations are investigated. We characterized the optical wireless communication channel through the channel measurements and present different models for the OWC link performance evaluations. In addition, we present some technologies for the OWC performance enhancement in order to address the last-mile transmission bottleneck of the system efficiently. The technologies can be of great help in alleviating the stringent requirement by the cloud radio access network (C-RAN) backhaul/fronthaul as well as in the evolution toward an efficient backhaul/fronthaul for the 5G network. Furthermore, we present a proof-of-concept experiment in order to demonstrate and evaluate high capacity/flexible coherent PON and OWC links for different network configurations in the terrestrial links. To achieve this, we employ advanced modulation format and digital signal processing (DSP) techniques in the offline and real-time mode of the operation. The proposed configuration has the capability to support different applications, services, and multiple operators over a shared optical fiber infrastructure
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