8,818 research outputs found

    An elementary proof of Hilbert's theorem on ternary quartics

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    In 1888, Hilbert proved that every non-negative quartic form f=f(x,y,z) with real coefficients is a sum of three squares of quadratic forms. His proof was ahead of its time and used advanced methods from topology and algebraic geometry. Up to now, no elementary proof is known. Here we present a completely new approach. Although our proof is not easy, it uses only elementary techniques. As a by-product, it gives information on the number of representations f=p_1^2+p_2^2+p_3^2 of f up to orthogonal equivalence. We show that this number is 8 for generically chosen f, and that it is 4 when f is chosen generically with a real zero. Although these facts were known, there was no elementary approach to them so far.Comment: 26 page

    On surrogate loss functions and ff-divergences

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    The goal of binary classification is to estimate a discriminant function γ\gamma from observations of covariate vectors and corresponding binary labels. We consider an elaboration of this problem in which the covariates are not available directly but are transformed by a dimensionality-reducing quantizer QQ. We present conditions on loss functions such that empirical risk minimization yields Bayes consistency when both the discriminant function and the quantizer are estimated. These conditions are stated in terms of a general correspondence between loss functions and a class of functionals known as Ali-Silvey or ff-divergence functionals. Whereas this correspondence was established by Blackwell [Proc. 2nd Berkeley Symp. Probab. Statist. 1 (1951) 93--102. Univ. California Press, Berkeley] for the 0--1 loss, we extend the correspondence to the broader class of surrogate loss functions that play a key role in the general theory of Bayes consistency for binary classification. Our result makes it possible to pick out the (strict) subset of surrogate loss functions that yield Bayes consistency for joint estimation of the discriminant function and the quantizer.Comment: Published in at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/08-AOS595 the Annals of Statistics (http://www.imstat.org/aos/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org

    The Number of Eigenvalues of a Tensor

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    Eigenvectors of tensors, as studied recently in numerical multilinear algebra, correspond to fixed points of self-maps of a projective space. We determine the number of eigenvectors and eigenvalues of a generic tensor, and we show that the number of normalized eigenvalues of a symmetric tensor is always finite. We also examine the characteristic polynomial and how its coefficients are related to discriminants and resultants.Comment: 12 pages, fixed several typo

    Non-degenerate umbilics, the path formulation and gradient bifurcation problems

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    Parametrised contact-equivalence is successful for the understanding and classification of the qualitative local behaviour of bifurcation diagrams and their perturbations. Path formulation is an alternative point of view. It makes explicit the singular behaviour due to the core of the bifurcation germ (when the parameters vanish) from the effects of the way parameters enter. Here we show how path formulation can be used to classify and structure efficiently multiparameter bifurcation problems in corank 2 problems. In particular, the non degenerate umbilics singularities are the generic cores in four situations: the general or gradient problems and the Z_2-equivariant (general or gradient) problems where Z_2 acts on the second component of R^2 via the reflection kappa(x,y)=(x,-y). The universal unfolding of the umbilic singularities have an interesting 'Russian doll' type of structure of universal unfoldings in all those categories. In our approach we can handle one, or more, parameter situations using the same framework. We can even consider some special parameter structure (for instance some internal hierarchy). We classify the generic bifurcations with 1, 2 or 3 parameters that occur in those cases. Some results are known with one bifurcation parameter, but the others are new. We discuss some application to the bifurcation of a cylindrical panel under different loads structure. This problem has many natural parameters that provide concrete examples of our generic diagrams around the first interaction of the buckling modes

    The triangular theorem of eight and representation by quadratic polynomials

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    We investigate here the representability of integers as sums of triangular numbers, where the nn-th triangular number is given by Tn=n(n+1)/2T_n = n(n + 1)/2. In particular, we show that f(x1,x2,...,xk)=b1Tx1+...+bkTxkf(x_1,x_2,..., x_k) = b_1 T_{x_1} +...+ b_k T_{x_k}, for fixed positive integers b1,b2,...,bkb_1, b_2,..., b_k, represents every nonnegative integer if and only if it represents 1, 2, 4, 5, and 8. Moreover, if `cross-terms' are allowed in ff, we show that no finite set of positive integers can play an analogous role, in turn showing that there is no overarching finiteness theorem which generalizes the statement from positive definite quadratic forms to totally positive quadratic polynomials
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