33 research outputs found

    An edit script for taxonomic classifications

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    BACKGROUND: The NCBI taxonomy provides one of the most powerful ways to navigate sequence data bases but currently users are forced to formulate queries according to a single taxonomic classification. Given that there is not universal agreement on the classification of organisms, providing a single classification places constraints on the questions biologists can ask. However, maintaining multiple classifications is burdensome in the face of a constantly growing NCBI classification. RESULTS: In this paper, we present a solution to the problem of generating modifications of the NCBI taxonomy, based on the computation of an edit script that summarises the differences between two classification trees. Our algorithms find the shortest possible edit script based on the identification of all shared subtrees, and only take time quasi linear in the size of the trees because classification trees have unique node labels. CONCLUSION: These algorithms have been recently implemented, and the software is freely available for download from

    A clique-based method for the edit distance between unordered trees and its application to analysis of glycan structures

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    [Background]Measuring similarities between tree structured data is important for analysis of RNA secondary structures, phylogenetic trees, glycan structures, and vascular trees. The edit distance is one of the most widely used measures for comparison of tree structured data. However, it is known that computation of the edit distance for rooted unordered trees is NP-hard. Furthermore, there is almost no available software tool that can compute the exact edit distance for unordered trees. [Results]In this paper, we present a practical method for computing the edit distance between rooted unordered trees. In this method, the edit distance problem for unordered trees is transformed into the maximum clique problem and then efficient solvers for the maximum clique problem are applied. We applied the proposed method to similar structure search for glycan structures. The result suggests that our proposed method can efficiently compute the edit distance for moderate size unordered trees. It also suggests that the proposed method has the accuracy comparative to those by the edit distance for ordered trees and by an existing method for glycan search. [Conclusions]The proposed method is simple but useful for computation of the edit distance between unordered trees. The object code is available upon request

    Mirroring co-evolving trees in the light of their topologies

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    Determining the interaction partners among protein/domain families poses hard computational problems, in particular in the presence of paralogous proteins. Available approaches aim to identify interaction partners among protein/domain families through maximizing the similarity between trimmed versions of their phylogenetic trees. Since maximization of any natural similarity score is computationally difficult, many approaches employ heuristics to maximize the distance matrices corresponding to the tree topologies in question. In this paper we devise an efficient deterministic algorithm which directly maximizes the similarity between two leaf labeled trees with edge lengths, obtaining a score-optimal alignment of the two trees in question. Our algorithm is significantly faster than those methods based on distance matrix comparison: 1 minute on a single processor vs. 730 hours on a supercomputer. Furthermore we have advantages over the current state-of-the-art heuristic search approach in terms of precision as well as a recently suggested overall performance measure for mirrortree approaches, while incurring only acceptable losses in recall. A C implementation of the method demonstrated in this paper is available at http://compbio.cs.sfu.ca/mirrort.htmComment: 13 pages, 2 figures, Iman Hajirasouliha and Alexander Sch\"onhuth are joint first author