506 research outputs found

    High-Order Stochastic Gradient Thermostats for Bayesian Learning of Deep Models

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    Learning in deep models using Bayesian methods has generated significant attention recently. This is largely because of the feasibility of modern Bayesian methods to yield scalable learning and inference, while maintaining a measure of uncertainty in the model parameters. Stochastic gradient MCMC algorithms (SG-MCMC) are a family of diffusion-based sampling methods for large-scale Bayesian learning. In SG-MCMC, multivariate stochastic gradient thermostats (mSGNHT) augment each parameter of interest, with a momentum and a thermostat variable to maintain stationary distributions as target posterior distributions. As the number of variables in a continuous-time diffusion increases, its numerical approximation error becomes a practical bottleneck, so better use of a numerical integrator is desirable. To this end, we propose use of an efficient symmetric splitting integrator in mSGNHT, instead of the traditional Euler integrator. We demonstrate that the proposed scheme is more accurate, robust, and converges faster. These properties are demonstrated to be desirable in Bayesian deep learning. Extensive experiments on two canonical models and their deep extensions demonstrate that the proposed scheme improves general Bayesian posterior sampling, particularly for deep models.Comment: AAAI 201

    Implicit Langevin Algorithms for Sampling From Log-concave Densities

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    For sampling from a log-concave density, we study implicit integrators resulting from θ\theta-method discretization of the overdamped Langevin diffusion stochastic differential equation. Theoretical and algorithmic properties of the resulting sampling methods for θ∈[0,1] \theta \in [0,1] and a range of step sizes are established. Our results generalize and extend prior works in several directions. In particular, for θ≥1/2\theta\ge1/2, we prove geometric ergodicity and stability of the resulting methods for all step sizes. We show that obtaining subsequent samples amounts to solving a strongly-convex optimization problem, which is readily achievable using one of numerous existing methods. Numerical examples supporting our theoretical analysis are also presented

    Self-Adversarially Learned Bayesian Sampling

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    Scalable Bayesian sampling is playing an important role in modern machine learning, especially in the fast-developed unsupervised-(deep)-learning models. While tremendous progresses have been achieved via scalable Bayesian sampling such as stochastic gradient MCMC (SG-MCMC) and Stein variational gradient descent (SVGD), the generated samples are typically highly correlated. Moreover, their sample-generation processes are often criticized to be inefficient. In this paper, we propose a novel self-adversarial learning framework that automatically learns a conditional generator to mimic the behavior of a Markov kernel (transition kernel). High-quality samples can be efficiently generated by direct forward passes though a learned generator. Most importantly, the learning process adopts a self-learning paradigm, requiring no information on existing Markov kernels, e.g., knowledge of how to draw samples from them. Specifically, our framework learns to use current samples, either from the generator or pre-provided training data, to update the generator such that the generated samples progressively approach a target distribution, thus it is called self-learning. Experiments on both synthetic and real datasets verify advantages of our framework, outperforming related methods in terms of both sampling efficiency and sample quality.Comment: AAAI 201
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