15 research outputs found

    Design of Lightweight Linear Diffusion Layers from Near-MDS Matrices

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    Near-MDS matrices provide better trade-offs between security and efficiency compared to constructions based on MDS matrices, which are favored for hardwareoriented designs. We present new designs of lightweight linear diffusion layers by constructing lightweight near-MDS matrices. Firstly generic n×n near-MDS circulant matrices are found for 5 ≤ n ≤9. Secondly, the implementation cost of instantiations of the generic near-MDS matrices is examined. Surprisingly, for n = 7, 8, it turns out that some proposed near-MDS circulant matrices of order n have the lowest XOR count among all near-MDS matrices of the same order. Further, for n = 5, 6, we present near-MDS matrices of order n having the lowest XOR count as well. The proposed matrices, together with previous construction of order less than five, lead to solutions of n×n near-MDS matrices with the lowest XOR count over finite fields F2m for 2 ≤ n ≤ 8 and 4 ≤ m ≤ 2048. Moreover, we present some involutory near-MDS matrices of order 8 constructed from Hadamard matrices. Lastly, the security of the proposed linear layers is studied by calculating lower bounds on the number of active S-boxes. It is shown that our linear layers with a well-chosen nonlinear layer can provide sufficient security against differential and linear cryptanalysis

    Construction and Filtration of Lightweight Formalized MDS Matrices

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    The 4x4 MDS matrix over F2 is widely used in the design of block cipher\u27s linear diffusion layers. However, considering the cost of a lightweight cipher\u27s implementation, the sum of XOR operations of a MDS matrix usually plays the role of measure. During the research on the construction of the lightweight 4x4 MDS matrices, this paper presents the concept of formalized MDS matrix: some of the entries that make up the matrix are known, and their positions are determined, and the criterions of the MDS matrix is satisfied. In this paper, using the period and minimal polynomial theory of entries over finite fields, a new construction method of formalized MDS matrices is proposed. A large number of MDS matrices can be obtained efficiently by this method, and their number distribution has significant structural features. However, the algebraic structure of the lightest MDS matrices is also obvious. This paper firstly investigates the construction of 4x4 lightweight MDS matrices, analyzes the distribution characteristics of the them, and the feasibility of the construction method. Then, for the lightest MDS matrices obtained from the method above, the algebraic relations in themselves and between each other are studied, and the important application of the alternating group A4 and it\u27s subgroup, the Klein four-group is found

    Optimizing Implementations of Lightweight Building Blocks

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    We study the synthesis of small functions used as building blocks in lightweight cryptographic designs in terms of hardware implementations. This phase most notably appears during the ASIC implementation of cryptographic primitives. The quality of this step directly affects the output circuit, and while general tools exist to carry out this task, most of them belong to proprietary software suites and apply heuristics to any size of functions. In this work, we focus on small functions (4- and 8-bit mappings) and look for their optimal implementations on a specific weighted instructions set which allows fine tuning of the technology. We propose a tool named LIGHTER, based on two related algorithms, that produces optimized implementations of small functions. To demonstrate the validity and usefulness of our tool, we applied it to two practical cases: first, linear permutations that define diffusion in most of SPN ciphers; second, non-linear 4-bit permutations that are used in many lightweight block ciphers. For linear permutations, we exhibit several new MDS diffusion matrices lighter than the state-of-the-art, and we also decrease the implementation cost of several already known MDS matrices. As for non-linear permutations, LIGHTER outperforms the area-optimized synthesis of the state-of-the-art academic tool ABC. Smaller circuits can also be reached when ABC and LIGHTER are used jointly

    Lightweight MDS Generalized Circulant Matrices (Full Version)

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    In this article, we analyze the circulant structure of generalized circulant matrices to reduce the search space for finding lightweight MDS matrices. We first show that the implementation of circulant matrices can be serialized and can achieve similar area requirement and clock cycle performance as a serial-based implementation. By proving many new properties and equivalence classes for circulant matrices, we greatly reduce the search space for finding lightweight maximum distance separable (MDS) circulant matrices. We also generalize the circulant structure and propose a new class of matrices, called cyclic matrices, which preserve the benefits of circulant matrices and, in addition, have the potential of being self-invertible. In this new class of matrices, we obtain not only the MDS matrices with the least XOR gates requirement for dimensions from 3x3 to 8x8 in GF(2^4) and GF(2^8), but also involutory MDS matrices which was proven to be non-existence in the class of circulant matrices. To the best of our knowledge, the latter matrices are the first of its kind, which have a similar matrix structure as circulant matrices and are involutory and MDS simultaneously. Compared to the existing best known lightweight matrices, our new candidates either outperform or match them in terms of XOR gates required for a hardware implementation. Notably, our work is generic and independent of the metric for lightweight. Hence, our work is applicable for improving the search for efficient circulant matrices under other metrics besides XOR gates

    Lightweight MDS Involution Matrices

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    In this article, we provide new methods to look for lightweight MDS matrices, and in particular involutory ones. By proving many new properties and equivalence classes for various MDS matrices constructions such as circulant, Hadamard, Cauchy and Hadamard-Cauchy, we exhibit new search algorithms that greatly reduce the search space and make lightweight MDS matrices of rather high dimension possible to find. We also explain why the choice of the irreducible polynomial might have a significant impact on the lightweightness, and in contrary to the classical belief, we show that the Hamming weight has no direct impact. Even though we focused our studies on involutory MDS matrices, we also obtained results for non-involutory MDS matrices. Overall, using Hadamard or Hadamard-Cauchy constructions, we provide the (involutory or non-involutory) MDS matrices with the least possible XOR gates for the classical dimensions 4x4, 8x8, 16x16 and 32x32 in GF(2^4) and GF(2^8). Compared to the best known matrices, some of our new candidates save up to 50% on the amount of XOR gates required for an hardware implementation. Finally, our work indicates that involutory MDS matrices are really interesting building blocks for designers as they can be implemented with almost the same number of XOR gates as non-involutory MDS matrices, the latter being usually non-lightweight when the inverse matrix is required

    On the Construction of Lightweight Orthogonal MDS Matrices

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    In present paper, we investigate 4 problems. Firstly, it is known that, a matrix is MDS if and only if all sub-matrices of this matrix of degree from 1 to nn are full rank. In this paper, we propose a theorem that an orthogonal matrix is MDS if and only if all sub-matrices of this orthogonal matrix of degree from 1 to ⌊n2⌋\lfloor\frac{n}{2}\rfloor are full rank. With this theorem, calculation of constructing orthogonal MDS matrices is reduced largely. Secondly, Although it has been proven that the 2d×2d2^d\times2^d circulant orthogonal matrix does not exist over the finite field, we discover that it also does not exist over a bigger set. Thirdly, previous algorithms have to continually change entries of the matrix to construct a lot of candidates. Unfortunately, in these candidates, only very few candidates are orthogonal matrices. With the matrix polynomial residue ring and the minimum polynomials of lightweight element-matrices, we propose an extremely efficient algorithm for constructing 4×44\times4 circulant orthogonal MDS matrices. In this algorithm, every candidate must be an circulant orthogonal matrix. Finally, we use this algorithm to construct a lot of lightweight results, and some of them are constructed first time

    Lightweight Multiplication in GF(2^n) with Applications to MDS Matrices

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    In this paper we consider the fundamental question of optimizing finite field multiplications with one fixed element. Surprisingly, this question did not receive much attention previously. We investigate which field representation, that is which choice of basis, allows for an optimal implementation. Here, the efficiency of the multiplication is measured in terms of the number of XOR operations needed to implement the multiplication. While our results are potentially of larger interest, we focus on a particular application in the second part of our paper. Here we construct new MDS matrices which outperform or are on par with all previous results when focusing on a round-based hardware implementation

    Lightweight MDS Serial-type Matrices with Minimal Fixed XOR Count (Full version)

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    Many block ciphers and hash functions require the diffusion property of Maximum Distance Separable (MDS) matrices. Serial matrices with the MDS property obtain a trade-off between area requirement and clock cycle performance to meet the needs of lightweight cryptography. In this paper, we propose a new class of serial-type matrices called Diagonal-Serial Invertible (DSI) matrices with the sparse property. These matrices have a fixed XOR count (contributed by the connecting XORs) which is half that of existing matrices. We prove that for matrices of order 4, our construction gives the matrix with the lowest possible fixed XOR cost. We also introduce the Reversible Implementation (RI) property, which allows the inverse matrix to be implemented using the similar hardware resource as the forward matrix, even when the two matrices have different finite field entries. This allows us to search for serial-type matrices which are lightweight in both directions by just focusing on the forward direction. We obtain MDS matrices which outperform existing lightweight (involutory) matrices

    Lightweight Design Choices for LED-like Block Ciphers

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    Serial matrices are a preferred choice for building diffusion layers of lightweight block ciphers as one just needs to implement the last row of such a matrix. In this work we analyze a new class of serial matrices which are the lightest possible 4×44 \times 4 serial matrix that can be used to build diffusion layers. With this new matrix we show that block ciphers like LED can be implemented with a reduced area in hardware designs, though it has to be cycled for more iterations. Further, we suggest the usage of an alternative S-box to the standard S-box used in LED with similar cryptographic robustness, albeit having lesser area footprint. Finally, we combine these ideas in an end-end FPGA based prototype of LED. We show that with these optimizations, there is a reduction of 1616% in area footprint of one round implementation of LED

    Improved Heuristics for Low-latency Implementations of Linear Layers

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    In many applications, low area and low latency are required for the chip-level implementation of cryptographic primitives. The low-cost implementations of linear layers usually play a crucial role for symmetric ciphers. Some heuristic methods, such as the forward search and the backward search, minimize the number of XOR gates of the linear layer under the minimum latency limitation. For the sake of achieving further optimization for such implementation of the linear layer, we put forward a new general search framework attaching the division optimization and extending base techniques in this paper. In terms of the number of XOR gates and the searching time, our new search algorithm is better than the previous heuristics, including the forward search and the backward search when testing matrices provided by them. We obtain an improved implementation of AES MixColumns requiring only 102 XORs under minimum latency, which outdoes the previous best record provided by the forward search