823 research outputs found

    Local Reconstruction Codes: A Class of MDS-PIR Capacity-Achieving Codes

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    We prove that a class of distance-optimal local reconstruction codes (LRCs), an important family of repair-efficient codes for distributed storage systems, achieve the maximum distance separable private information retrieval capacity for the case of noncolluding nodes. This particular class of codes includes Pyramid codes and other LRCs proposed in the literature.Comment: The contents of this manuscript is extracted from arXiv:1712.03898, and will be presented at the IEEE Information Theory Workshop (ITW), 201

    Convertible Codes: New Class of Codes for Efficient Conversion of Coded Data in Distributed Storage

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    Erasure codes are typically used in large-scale distributed storage systems to provide durability of data in the face of failures. In this setting, a set of k blocks to be stored is encoded using an [n, k] code to generate n blocks that are then stored on different storage nodes. A recent work by Kadekodi et al. [Kadekodi et al., 2019] shows that the failure rate of storage devices vary significantly over time, and that changing the rate of the code (via a change in the parameters n and k) in response to such variations provides significant reduction in storage space requirement. However, the resource overhead of realizing such a change in the code rate on already encoded data in traditional codes is prohibitively high. Motivated by this application, in this work we first present a new framework to formalize the notion of code conversion - the process of converting data encoded with an [n^I, k^I] code into data encoded with an [n^F, k^F] code while maintaining desired decodability properties, such as the maximum-distance-separable (MDS) property. We then introduce convertible codes, a new class of code pairs that allow for code conversions in a resource-efficient manner. For an important parameter regime (which we call the merge regime) along with the widely used linearity and MDS decodability constraint, we prove tight bounds on the number of nodes accessed during code conversion. In particular, our achievability result is an explicit construction of MDS convertible codes that are optimal for all parameter values in the merge regime albeit with a high field size. We then present explicit low-field-size constructions of optimal MDS convertible codes for a broad range of parameters in the merge regime. Our results thus show that it is indeed possible to achieve code conversions with significantly lesser resources as compared to the default approach of re-encoding

    Optimal Locally Repairable Codes via Rank-Metric Codes

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    This paper presents a new explicit construction for locally repairable codes (LRCs) for distributed storage systems which possess all-symbols locality and maximal possible minimum distance, or equivalently, can tolerate the maximal number of node failures. This construction, based on maximum rank distance (MRD) Gabidulin codes, provides new optimal vector and scalar LRCs. In addition, the paper also discusses mechanisms by which codes obtained using this construction can be used to construct LRCs with efficient repair of failed nodes by combination of LRC with regenerating codes

    Codes with Locality for Two Erasures

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    In this paper, we study codes with locality that can recover from two erasures via a sequence of two local, parity-check computations. By a local parity-check computation, we mean recovery via a single parity-check equation associated to small Hamming weight. Earlier approaches considered recovery in parallel; the sequential approach allows us to potentially construct codes with improved minimum distance. These codes, which we refer to as locally 2-reconstructible codes, are a natural generalization along one direction, of codes with all-symbol locality introduced by Gopalan \textit{et al}, in which recovery from a single erasure is considered. By studying the Generalized Hamming Weights of the dual code, we derive upper bounds on the minimum distance of locally 2-reconstructible codes and provide constructions for a family of codes based on Tur\'an graphs, that are optimal with respect to this bound. The minimum distance bound derived here is universal in the sense that no code which permits all-symbol local recovery from 22 erasures can have larger minimum distance regardless of approach adopted. Our approach also leads to a new bound on the minimum distance of codes with all-symbol locality for the single-erasure case.Comment: 14 pages, 3 figures, Updated for improved readabilit

    Local Reconstruction Codes: A Class of MDS-PIR Capacity-Achieving Codes

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    We prove that a class of distance-optimal local reconstruction codes (LRCs), an important family of repair-efficient codes for distributed storage systems, achieve the maximum distance separable private information retrieval capacity for the case of noncolluding nodes. This particular class of codes includes Pyramid codes and other LRCs proposed in the literature

    Partial MDS Codes with Local Regeneration

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    Partial MDS (PMDS) and sector-disk (SD) codes are classes of erasure codes that combine locality with strong erasure correction capabilities. We construct PMDS and SD codes where each local code is a bandwidth-optimal regenerating MDS code. The constructions require significantly smaller field size than the only other construction known in literature

    Optimal Locally Repairable Codes and Connections to Matroid Theory

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    Petabyte-scale distributed storage systems are currently transitioning to erasure codes to achieve higher storage efficiency. Classical codes like Reed-Solomon are highly sub-optimal for distributed environments due to their high overhead in single-failure events. Locally Repairable Codes (LRCs) form a new family of codes that are repair efficient. In particular, LRCs minimize the number of nodes participating in single node repairs during which they generate small network traffic. Two large-scale distributed storage systems have already implemented different types of LRCs: Windows Azure Storage and the Hadoop Distributed File System RAID used by Facebook. The fundamental bounds for LRCs, namely the best possible distance for a given code locality, were recently discovered, but few explicit constructions exist. In this work, we present an explicit and optimal LRCs that are simple to construct. Our construction is based on grouping Reed-Solomon (RS) coded symbols to obtain RS coded symbols over a larger finite field. We then partition these RS symbols in small groups, and re-encode them using a simple local code that offers low repair locality. For the analysis of the optimality of the code, we derive a new result on the matroid represented by the code generator matrix.Comment: Submitted for publication, a shorter version was presented at ISIT 201
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