42,771 research outputs found

    Revivals of Coherence in Chaotic Atom-Optics Billiards

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    We investigate the coherence properties of thermal atoms confined in optical dipole traps where the underlying classical dynamics is chaotic. A perturbative expression derived for the coherence of the echo scheme of [Andersen et. al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 90, 023001 (2003)] shows it is a function of the survival probability or fidelity of eigenstates of the motion of the atoms in the trap. The echo coherence and the survival probability display "system specific" features, even when the underlying classical dynamics is chaotic. In particular, partial revivals in the echo signal and the survival probability are found for a small shift of the potential. Next, a "semi-classical" expression for the averaged echo signal is presented and used to calculate the echo signal for atoms in a light sheet wedge billiard. Revivals in the echo coherence are found in this system, indicating they may be a generic feature of dipole traps

    Systematic methods for the computation of the directional fields and singular points of fingerprints

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    The first subject of the paper is the estimation of a high resolution directional field of fingerprints. Traditional methods are discussed and a method, based on principal component analysis, is proposed. The method not only computes the direction in any pixel location, but its coherence as well. It is proven that this method provides exactly the same results as the "averaged square-gradient method" that is known from literature. Undoubtedly, the existence of a completely different equivalent solution increases the insight into the problem's nature. The second subject of the paper is singular point detection. A very efficient algorithm is proposed that extracts singular points from the high-resolution directional field. The algorithm is based on the Poincare index and provides a consistent binary decision that is not based on postprocessing steps like applying a threshold on a continuous resemblance measure for singular points. Furthermore, a method is presented to estimate the orientation of the extracted singular points. The accuracy of the methods is illustrated by experiments on a live-scanned fingerprint databas

    Discrete-time Quantum Walks in random artificial Gauge Fields

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    Discrete-time quantum walks (DTQWs) in random artificial electric and gravitational fields are studied analytically and numerically. The analytical computations are carried by a new method which allows a direct exact analytical determination of the equations of motion obeyed by the average density operator. It is proven that randomness induces decoherence and that the quantum walks behave asymptotically like classical random walks. Asymptotic diffusion coefficients are computed exactly. The continuous limit is also obtained and discussed.Comment: 16 pages, 9 figures. Submitted to Physica

    Statistical-Mechanical Measure of Stochastic Spiking Coherence in A Population of Inhibitory Subthreshold Neurons

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    By varying the noise intensity, we study stochastic spiking coherence (i.e., collective coherence between noise-induced neural spikings) in an inhibitory population of subthreshold neurons (which cannot fire spontaneously without noise). This stochastic spiking coherence may be well visualized in the raster plot of neural spikes. For a coherent case, partially-occupied "stripes" (composed of spikes and indicating collective coherence) are formed in the raster plot. This partial occupation occurs due to "stochastic spike skipping" which is well shown in the multi-peaked interspike interval histogram. The main purpose of our work is to quantitatively measure the degree of stochastic spiking coherence seen in the raster plot. We introduce a new spike-based coherence measure MsM_s by considering the occupation pattern and the pacing pattern of spikes in the stripes. In particular, the pacing degree between spikes is determined in a statistical-mechanical way by quantifying the average contribution of (microscopic) individual spikes to the (macroscopic) ensemble-averaged global potential. This "statistical-mechanical" measure MsM_s is in contrast to the conventional measures such as the "thermodynamic" order parameter (which concerns the time-averaged fluctuations of the macroscopic global potential), the "microscopic" correlation-based measure (based on the cross-correlation between the microscopic individual potentials), and the measures of precise spike timing (based on the peri-stimulus time histogram). In terms of MsM_s, we quantitatively characterize the stochastic spiking coherence, and find that MsM_s reflects the degree of collective spiking coherence seen in the raster plot very well. Hence, the "statistical-mechanical" spike-based measure MsM_s may be used usefully to quantify the degree of stochastic spiking coherence in a statistical-mechanical way.Comment: 16 pages, 5 figures, to appear in the J. Comput. Neurosc

    Photoexcited transients in disordered semiconductors: Quantum coherence at very short to intermediate times

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    We study theoretically electron transients in semiconductor alloys excited by light pulses shorter than 100 femtoseconds and tuned above the absorption edge during and shortly after the pulse, when disorder scattering is dominant. We use non-equilibrium Green functions employing the field-dependent self-consistent Born approximation. The propagators and the particle correlation function are obtained by a direct numerical solution of the Dyson equations in differential form. For the purely elastic scattering in our model system the solution procedures for the retarded propagator and for the correlation function can be decoupled.The propagator is used as an input in calculating the correlation function. Numerical results combined with a cumulant expansion permit to separate in a consistent fashion the dark and the induced parts of the self-energy. The dark behavior reduces to propagation of strongly damped quasi-particles; the field induced self-energy leads to an additional time non-local coherence. The particle correlation function is formed by a coherent transient and an incoherent back-scattered component. The particle number is conserved only if the field induced coherence is fully incorporated. The transient polarization and the energy balance are also obtained and interpreted.Comment: Accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. B; 37 pages,17 figure

    Role of spatial heterogeneity on the collective dynamics of cilia beating in a minimal 1D model

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    Cilia are elastic hairlike protuberances of the cell membrane found in various unicellular organisms and in several tissues of most living organisms. In some tissues such as the airway tissues of the lung, the coordinated beating of cilia induce a fluid flow of crucial importance as it allows the continuous cleaning of our bronchia, known as mucociliary clearance. While most of the models addressing the question of collective dynamics and metachronal wave consider homogeneous carpets of cilia, experimental observations rather show that cilia clusters are heterogeneously distributed over the tissue surface. The purpose of this paper is to investigate the role of spatial heterogeneity on the coherent beating of cilia using a very simple one dimensional model for cilia known as the rower model. We systematically study systems consisting of a few rowers to hundreds of rowers and we investigate the conditions for the emergence of collective beating. When considering a small number of rowers, a phase drift occurs, hence a bifurcation in beating frequency is observed as the distance between rowers clusters is changed. In the case of many rowers, a distribution of frequencies is observed. We found in particular the pattern of the patchy structure that shows the best robustness in collective beating behavior, as the density of cilia is varied over a wide range.Comment: 16 pages, 22 figures including appendi

    On the role of coupling in mode selective excitation using ultrafast pulse shaping in stimulated Raman spectroscopy

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    The coherence of two, coupled two-level systems, representing vibrational modes in a semiclassical model, is calculated in weak and strong fields for various coupling schemes and for different relative phases between initial state amplitudes. A relative phase equal to π\pi projects the system into a dark state. The selective excitation of one of the two, two-level systems is studied as a function of coupling strength and initial phases.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figure