8 research outputs found

    Severely Fading MIMO Channels

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    In most wireless communications research, the channel models considered experience less severe fading than the classic Rayleigh fading case. In this thesis, however, we investigate MIMO channels where the fading is more severe. In these environments, we show that the coefficient of variation of the channel amplitudes is a good predictor of the link mutual information, for a variety of models. We propose a novel channel model for severely fading channels based on the complex multivariate t distribution. For this model, we are able to compute exact results for the ergodic mutual information and approximations to the outage probabilities for the mutual information. Applications of this work include wireless sensors, RF tagging, land-mobile, indoor-mobile, ground-penetrating radar, and ionospheric radio links. Finally, we point out that the methodology can also be extended to evaluate the mutual information of a cellular MIMO link and the performance of various MIMO receivers in a cellular scenario. In these cellular applications, the channel itself is not severely fading but the multivariate t distribution can be applied to model the effects of intercellular interference

    Performance analysis of diversity techniques in wireless communication systems: Cooperative systems with CCI and MIMO-OFDM systems

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    This Dissertation analyzes the performance of ecient digital commu- nication systems, the performance analysis includes the bit error rate (BER) of dier- ent binary and M-ary modulation schemes, and the average channel capacity (ACC) under dierent adaptive transmission protocols, namely, the simultaneous power and rate adaptation protocol (OPRA), the optimal rate with xed power protocol (ORA), the channel inversion with xed rate protocol (CIFR), and the truncated channel in- version with xed transmit power protocol (CTIFR). In this dissertation, BER and ACC performance of interference-limited dual-hop decode-and-forward (DF) relay- ing cooperative systems with co-channel interference (CCI) at both the relay and destination nodes is analyzed in small-scale multipath Nakagami-m fading channels with arbitrary (integer as well as non-integer) values of m. This channel condition is assumed for both the desired signal as well as co-channel interfering signals. In addition, the practical case of unequal average fading powers between the two hops is assumed in the analysis. The analysis assumes an arbitrary number of indepen- dent and non-identically distributed (i.n.i.d.) interfering signals at both relay (R) and destination (D) nodes. Also, the work extended to the case when the receiver employs the maximum ratio combining (MRC) and the equal gain combining (EGC) schemes to exploit the diversity gain

    On the Channel Capacity of Multiantenna Systems with Nakagami Fading

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    We discuss the channel capacity of multiantenna systems with the Nakagami fading channel. Analytic expressions for the ergodic channel capacity or its lower bound are given for SISO, SIMO, and MISO cases. Formulae for the outage probability of the capacity are presented. It is shown that the channel capacity could be increased logarithmically with the number of receive antennas for SIMO case; while employing 3&#8211;5 transmit antennas (irrespective of all other parameters considered herein) can approach the best advantage of the multiple transmit antenna systems as far as channel capacity is concerned for MISO case. We have shown that for a given SNR, the outage probability decreases considerably with the number of receive antennas for SIMO case, while for MISO case, the upper bound of the outage probability decreases with the number of transmit antennas when the transmission rate is lower than some value, but increases instead when the transmission rate is higher than another value. A critical transmission rate is identified.</p

    A Further Result about "On the Channel Capacity of Multiantenna Systems with Nakagami Fading"

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    <p/> <p>Explicit expressions are derived for the channel capacity of multiantenna systems with the Nakagami fading channel.</p