5,174 research outputs found

    On the Capacity of the Finite Field Counterparts of Wireless Interference Networks

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    This work explores how degrees of freedom (DoF) results from wireless networks can be translated into capacity results for their finite field counterparts that arise in network coding applications. The main insight is that scalar (SISO) finite field channels over Fpn\mathbb{F}_{p^n} are analogous to n x n vector (MIMO) channels in the wireless setting, but with an important distinction -- there is additional structure due to finite field arithmetic which enforces commutativity of matrix multiplication and limits the channel diversity to n, making these channels similar to diagonal channels in the wireless setting. Within the limits imposed by the channel structure, the DoF optimal precoding solutions for wireless networks can be translated into capacity optimal solutions for their finite field counterparts. This is shown through the study of the 2-user X channel and the 3-user interference channel. Besides bringing the insights from wireless networks into network coding applications, the study of finite field networks over Fpn\mathbb{F}_{p^n} also touches upon important open problems in wireless networks (finite SNR, finite diversity scenarios) through interesting parallels between p and SNR, and n and diversity.Comment: Full version of paper accepted for presentation at ISIT 201

    A Generalized Cut-Set Bound for Deterministic Multi-Flow Networks and its Applications

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    We present a new outer bound for the sum capacity of general multi-unicast deterministic networks. Intuitively, this bound can be understood as applying the cut-set bound to concatenated copies of the original network with a special restriction on the allowed transmit signal distributions. We first study applications to finite-field networks, where we obtain a general outer-bound expression in terms of ranks of the transfer matrices. We then show that, even though our outer bound is for deterministic networks, a recent result relating the capacity of AWGN KxKxK networks and the capacity of a deterministic counterpart allows us to establish an outer bound to the DoF of KxKxK wireless networks with general connectivity. This bound is tight in the case of the "adjacent-cell interference" topology, and yields graph-theoretic necessary and sufficient conditions for K DoF to be achievable in general topologies.Comment: A shorter version of this paper will appear in the Proceedings of ISIT 201

    Algebraic Network Coding Approach to Deterministic Wireless Relay Networks

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    The deterministic wireless relay network model, introduced by Avestimehr et al., has been proposed for approximating Gaussian relay networks. This model, known as the ADT network model, takes into account the broadcast nature of wireless medium and interference. Avestimehr et al. showed that the Min-cut Max-flow theorem holds in the ADT network. In this paper, we show that the ADT network model can be described within the algebraic network coding framework introduced by Koetter and Medard. We prove that the ADT network problem can be captured by a single matrix, called the "system matrix". We show that the min-cut of an ADT network is the rank of the system matrix; thus, eliminating the need to optimize over exponential number of cuts between two nodes to compute the min-cut of an ADT network. We extend the capacity characterization for ADT networks to a more general set of connections. Our algebraic approach not only provides the Min-cut Max-flow theorem for a single unicast/multicast connection, but also extends to non-multicast connections such as multiple multicast, disjoint multicast, and two-level multicast. We also provide sufficiency conditions for achievability in ADT networks for any general connection set. In addition, we show that the random linear network coding, a randomized distributed algorithm for network code construction, achieves capacity for the connections listed above. Finally, we extend the ADT networks to those with random erasures and cycles (thus, allowing bi-directional links). Note that ADT network was proposed for approximating the wireless networks; however, ADT network is acyclic. Furthermore, ADT network does not model the stochastic nature of the wireless links. With our algebraic framework, we incorporate both cycles as well as random failures into ADT network model.Comment: 9 pages, 12 figures, submitted to Allerton Conferenc

    A digital interface for Gaussian relay and interference networks: Lifting codes from the discrete superposition model

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    For every Gaussian network, there exists a corresponding deterministic network called the discrete superposition network. We show that this discrete superposition network provides a near-optimal digital interface for operating a class consisting of many Gaussian networks in the sense that any code for the discrete superposition network can be naturally lifted to a corresponding code for the Gaussian network, while achieving a rate that is no more than a constant number of bits lesser than the rate it achieves for the discrete superposition network. This constant depends only on the number of nodes in the network and not on the channel gains or SNR. Moreover the capacities of the two networks are within a constant of each other, again independent of channel gains and SNR. We show that the class of Gaussian networks for which this interface property holds includes relay networks with a single source-destination pair, interference networks, multicast networks, and the counterparts of these networks with multiple transmit and receive antennas. The code for the Gaussian relay network can be obtained from any code for the discrete superposition network simply by pruning it. This lifting scheme establishes that the superposition model can indeed potentially serve as a strong surrogate for designing codes for Gaussian relay networks. We present similar results for the K x K Gaussian interference network, MIMO Gaussian interference networks, MIMO Gaussian relay networks, and multicast networks, with the constant gap depending additionally on the number of antennas in case of MIMO networks.Comment: Final versio
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