1,674 research outputs found

    An Achievable Rate Region for the Broadcast Channel with Feedback

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    A single-letter achievable rate region is proposed for the two-receiver discrete memoryless broadcast channel with generalized feedback. The coding strategy involves block-Markov superposition coding, using Marton's coding scheme for the broadcast channel without feedback as the starting point. If the message rates in the Marton scheme are too high to be decoded at the end of a block, each receiver is left with a list of messages compatible with its output. Resolution information is sent in the following block to enable each receiver to resolve its list. The key observation is that the resolution information of the first receiver is correlated with that of the second. This correlated information is efficiently transmitted via joint source-channel coding, using ideas similar to the Han-Costa coding scheme. Using the result, we obtain an achievable rate region for the stochastically degraded AWGN broadcast channel with noisy feedback from only one receiver. It is shown that this region is strictly larger than the no-feedback capacity region.Comment: To appear in IEEE Transactions on Information Theory. Contains example of AWGN Broadcast Channel with noisy feedbac

    Capacity-Equivocation Regions of the DMBCs with Noiseless Feedback

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    The discrete memoryless broadcast channels (DMBCs) with noiseless feedback are studied. The entire capacity-equivocation regions of two models of the DMBCs with noiseless feedback are obtained. One is the degraded DMBCs with rate-limited feedback; the other is the less and reversely less noisy DMBCs with causal feedback. In both models, two kinds of messages are transmitted. The common message is to be decoded by both the legitimate receiver and the eavesdropper, while the confidential message is only for the legitimate receiver. Our results generalize the secrecy capacity of the degraded wiretap channel with rate-limited feedback (Ardestanizadeh et al., 2009) and the restricted wiretap channel with noiseless feedback (Dai et al., 2012). Furthermore, we use a simpler and more intuitive deduction to get the single-letter characterization of the capacity-equivocation region, instead of relying on the recursive argument which is complex and not intuitive

    On the Noisy Feedback Capacity of Gaussian Broadcast Channels

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    It is well known that, in general, feedback may enlarge the capacity region of Gaussian broadcast channels. This has been demonstrated even when the feedback is noisy (or partial-but-perfect) and only from one of the receivers. The only case known where feedback has been shown not to enlarge the capacity region is when the channel is physically degraded (El Gamal 1978, 1981). In this paper, we show that for a class of two-user Gaussian broadcast channels (not necessarily physically degraded), passively feeding back the stronger user's signal over a link corrupted by Gaussian noise does not enlarge the capacity region if the variance of feedback noise is above a certain threshold.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, to appear in IEEE Information Theory Workshop 2015, Jerusale

    Partial Strong Converse for the Non-Degraded Wiretap Channel

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    We prove the partial strong converse property for the discrete memoryless \emph{non-degraded} wiretap channel, for which we require the leakage to the eavesdropper to vanish but allow an asymptotic error probability ϵ∈[0,1)\epsilon \in [0,1) to the legitimate receiver. We show that when the transmission rate is above the secrecy capacity, the probability of correct decoding at the legitimate receiver decays to zero exponentially. Therefore, the maximum transmission rate is the same for ϵ∈[0,1)\epsilon \in [0,1), and the partial strong converse property holds. Our work is inspired by a recently developed technique based on information spectrum method and Chernoff-Cramer bound for evaluating the exponent of the probability of correct decoding

    Cooperative Relay Broadcast Channels

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    The capacity regions are investigated for two relay broadcast channels (RBCs), where relay links are incorporated into standard two-user broadcast channels to support user cooperation. In the first channel, the Partially Cooperative Relay Broadcast Channel, only one user in the system can act as a relay and transmit to the other user through a relay link. An achievable rate region is derived based on the relay using the decode-and-forward scheme. An outer bound on the capacity region is derived and is shown to be tighter than the cut-set bound. For the special case where the Partially Cooperative RBC is degraded, the achievable rate region is shown to be tight and provides the capacity region. Gaussian Partially Cooperative RBCs and Partially Cooperative RBCs with feedback are further studied. In the second channel model being studied in the paper, the Fully Cooperative Relay Broadcast Channel, both users can act as relay nodes and transmit to each other through relay links. This is a more general model than the Partially Cooperative RBC. All the results for Partially Cooperative RBCs are correspondingly generalized to the Fully Cooperative RBCs. It is further shown that the AWGN Fully Cooperative RBC has a larger achievable rate region than the AWGN Partially Cooperative RBC. The results illustrate that relaying and user cooperation are powerful techniques in improving the capacity of broadcast channels.Comment: Submitted to the IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, July 200

    Broadcast Channels with Cooperating Decoders

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    We consider the problem of communicating over the general discrete memoryless broadcast channel (BC) with partially cooperating receivers. In our setup, receivers are able to exchange messages over noiseless conference links of finite capacities, prior to decoding the messages sent from the transmitter. In this paper we formulate the general problem of broadcast with cooperation. We first find the capacity region for the case where the BC is physically degraded. Then, we give achievability results for the general broadcast channel, for both the two independent messages case and the single common message case.Comment: Final version, to appear in the IEEE Transactions on Information Theory -- contains (very) minor changes based on the last round of review

    Degraded Broadcast Channel with Side Information, Confidential Messages and Noiseless Feedback

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    In this paper, first, we investigate the model of degraded broadcast channel with side information and confidential messages. This work is from Steinberg's work on the degraded broadcast channel with causal and noncausal side information, and CsiszaËŠ\acute{a}r-K\"{o}rner's work on broadcast channel with confidential messages. Inner and outer bounds on the capacity-equivocation regions are provided for the noncausal and causal cases. Superposition coding and double-binning technique are used in the corresponding achievability proofs. Then, we investigate the degraded broadcast channel with side information, confidential messages and noiseless feedback. The noiseless feedback is from the non-degraded receiver to the channel encoder. Inner and outer bounds on the capacity-equivocation region are provided for the noncausal case, and the capacity-equivocation region is determined for the causal case. Compared with the model without feedback, we find that the noiseless feedback helps to enlarge the inner bounds for both causal and noncausal cases. In the achievability proof of the feedback model, the noiseless feedback is used as a secret key shared by the non-degraded receiver and the transmitter, and therefore, the code construction for the feedback model is a combination of superposition coding, Gel'fand-Pinsker's binning, block Markov coding and Ahlswede-Cai's secret key on the feedback system.Comment: Part of this paper has been accepted by ISIT2012, and this paper is submitted to IEEE Transactions on Information Theor
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