46 research outputs found

    Outage Probability of Cognitive Relay Networks Over Generalized Fading Channels with Interference Constraints

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    AbstractIn this paper, we evaluate the outage probability (OP) of a cognitive relay network operating over generalized fading channels, modeled by the generalized-K and generalized-gamma distributions. In particular, secondary users, based on the underlay approach, cooperate employing decode-and-forward protocol, satisfying in any case an interference constraint on the primary destination users. The derived results include exact expressions as well as approximated ones for high values of the maximum allowed transmitted power. Numerical evaluated results show that the OP of cognitive relay networks is highly related with the fading/shadowing channel conditions as well as interfering constraints, with the latter resulting in higher OP compared to the conventional relaying systems

    On the Error Probability of Cognitive RF-FSO Relay Networks over Rayleigh/EW Fading Channels with Primary-Secondary Interference

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    Free space optical (FSO) communication has emerged to provide line of sight connectivity and higher throughput over unlicensed optical spectrums. Cognitive radio (CR), on the other hand, can utilize the radio frequency (RF) spectrum and allow a secondary user (SU) to share the same spectrum with the primary user (PU) as long as the SU does not impose interference on the PU. Owing to the potential of these emerging technologies, to provide full spectrum efficiency, this paper focuses on the mixed CR RF-FSO transmission scheme, where RF communication is employed at one hop followed by the FSO transmission on the other hop in a dual-hop decode-and-forward (DF) configuration. To quantify the performance of the propose