11 research outputs found

    Remote Source Coding under Gaussian Noise : Dueling Roles of Power and Entropy Power

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    The distributed remote source coding (so-called CEO) problem is studied in the case where the underlying source, not necessarily Gaussian, has finite differential entropy and the observation noise is Gaussian. The main result is a new lower bound for the sum-rate-distortion function under arbitrary distortion measures. When specialized to the case of mean-squared error, it is shown that the bound exactly mirrors a corresponding upper bound, except that the upper bound has the source power (variance) whereas the lower bound has the source entropy power. Bounds exhibiting this pleasing duality of power and entropy power have been well known for direct and centralized source coding since Shannon's work. While the bounds hold generally, their value is most pronounced when interpreted as a function of the number of agents in the CEO problem

    Scalable Cell-Free Massive MIMO Systems

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    Imagine a coverage area with many wireless access points that cooperate to jointly serve the users, instead of creating autonomous cells. Such a cell-free network operation can potentially resolve many of the interference issues that appear in current cellular networks. This ambition was previously called Network MIMO (multiple-input multiple-output) and has recently reappeared under the name Cell-Free Massive MIMO. The main challenge is to achieve the benefits of cell-free operation in a practically feasible way, with computational complexity and fronthaul requirements that are scalable to large networks with many users. We propose a new framework for scalable Cell-Free Massive MIMO systems by exploiting the dynamic cooperation cluster concept from the Network MIMO literature. We provide a novel algorithm for joint initial access, pilot assignment, and cluster formation that is proved to be scalable. Moreover, we adapt the standard channel estimation, precoding, and combining methods to become scalable. A new uplink and downlink duality is proved and used to heuristically design the precoding vectors on the basis of the combining vectors. Interestingly, the proposed scalable precoding and combining outperform conventional maximum ratio processing and also performs closely to the best unscalable alternatives.Comment: To appear in IEEE Transactions on Communications, 14 pages, 6 figure

    Making Cell-Free Massive MIMO Competitive With MMSE Processing and Centralized Implementation

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    Cell-free Massive MIMO is considered as a promising technology for satisfying the increasing number of users and high rate expectations in beyond-5G networks. The key idea is to let many distributed access points (APs) communicate with all users in the network, possibly by using joint coherent signal processing. The aim of this paper is to provide the first comprehensive analysis of this technology under different degrees of cooperation among the APs. Particularly, the uplink spectral efficiencies of four different cell-free implementations are analyzed, with spatially correlated fading and arbitrary linear processing. It turns out that it is possible to outperform conventional Cellular Massive MIMO and small cell networks by a wide margin, but only using global or local minimum mean-square error (MMSE) combining. This is in sharp contrast to the existing literature, which advocates for maximum-ratio combining. Also, we show that a centralized implementation with optimal MMSE processing not only maximizes the SE but largely reduces the fronthaul signaling compared to the standard distributed approach. This makes it the preferred way to operate Cell-free Massive MIMO networks. Non-linear decoding is also investigated and shown to bring negligible improvements.Comment: 14 pages, 6 figures, To appear in IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communication

    On the Capacity of Cloud Radio Access Networks with Oblivious Relaying

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    International audienceWe study the transmission over a network in which users send information to a remote destination through relay nodes that are connected to the destination via finite-capacity error-free links, i.e., a cloud radio access network. The relays are constrained to operate without knowledge of the users' codebooks, i.e., they perform oblivious processing. The destination, or central processor, however, is informed about the users' codebooks. We establish a single-letter characterization of the capacity region of this model for a class of discrete memoryless channels in which the outputs at the relay nodes are independent given the users' inputs. We show that both relaying \`a-la Cover-El Gamal, i.e., compress-and-forward with joint decompression and decoding, and "noisy network coding", are optimal. The proof of the converse part establishes, and utilizes, connections with the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) source coding problem under logarithmic loss distortion measure. Extensions to general discrete memoryless channels are also investigated. In this case, we establish inner and outer bounds on the capacity region. For memoryless Gaussian channels within the studied class of channels, we characterize the capacity region when the users are constrained to time-share among Gaussian codebooks. We also discuss the suboptimality of separate decompression-decoding and the role of time-sharing. Furthermore, we study the related distributed information bottleneck problem and characterize optimal tradeoffs between rates (i.e., complexity) and information (i.e., accuracy) in the vector Gaussian case