3 research outputs found

    Relating broadcast independence and independence

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    An independent broadcast on a connected graph GG is a function f:V(G)N0f:V(G)\to \mathbb{N}_0 such that, for every vertex xx of GG, the value f(x)f(x) is at most the eccentricity of xx in GG, and f(x)>0f(x)>0 implies that f(y)=0f(y)=0 for every vertex yy of GG within distance at most f(x)f(x) from xx. The broadcast independence number αb(G)\alpha_b(G) of GG is the largest weight xV(G)f(x)\sum\limits_{x\in V(G)}f(x) of an independent broadcast ff on GG. Clearly, αb(G)\alpha_b(G) is at least the independence number α(G)\alpha(G) for every connected graph GG. Our main result implies αb(G)4α(G)\alpha_b(G)\leq 4\alpha(G). We prove a tight inequality and characterize all extremal graphs

    On the Broadcast Independence Number of Caterpillars

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    International audienceLet GG be a simple undirected graph.A broadcast on GG isa function f:V(G)Nf : V(G)\rightarrow\mathbb{N} such that f(v)eG(v)f(v)\le e_G(v) holds for every vertex vv of GG, where eG(v)e_G(v) denotes the eccentricity of vv in GG, that is, the maximum distance from vv to any other vertex of GG.The cost of ff is the value cost(f)=vV(G)f(v){\rm cost}(f)=\sum_{v\in V(G)}f(v).A broadcast ff on GG is independent if for every two distinct vertices uu and vv in GG, dG(u,v)>max{f(u),f(v)}d_G(u,v)>\max\{f(u),f(v)\},where dG(u,v)d_G(u,v) denotes the distance between uu and vv in GG.The broadcast independence number of GG is then defined as the maximum cost of an independent broadcast on GG. In this paper, we study independent broadcasts of caterpillars and give an explicit formula for the broadcast independence number of caterpillars having no pair of adjacent trunks, a trunk being an internal spine vertex with degree~2