289 research outputs found

    Applications of Discrepancy Theory in Multiobjective Approximation

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    We apply a multi-color extension of the Beck-Fiala theorem to show that the multiobjective maximum traveling salesman problem is randomized 1/2-approximable on directed graphs and randomized 2/3-approximable on undirected graphs. Using the same technique we show that the multiobjective maximum satisfiablilty problem is 1/2-approximable

    On the Beck-Fiala Conjecture for Random Set Systems

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    Motivated by the Beck-Fiala conjecture, we study discrepancy bounds for random sparse set systems. Concretely, these are set systems (X,Σ)(X,\Sigma), where each element xXx \in X lies in tt randomly selected sets of Σ\Sigma, where tt is an integer parameter. We provide new bounds in two regimes of parameters. We show that when ΣX|\Sigma| \ge |X| the hereditary discrepancy of (X,Σ)(X,\Sigma) is with high probability O(tlogt)O(\sqrt{t \log t}); and when XΣt|X| \gg |\Sigma|^t the hereditary discrepancy of (X,Σ)(X,\Sigma) is with high probability O(1)O(1). The first bound combines the Lov{\'a}sz Local Lemma with a new argument based on partial matchings; the second follows from an analysis of the lattice spanned by sparse vectors

    Bounds for approximate discrete tomography solutions

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    In earlier papers we have developed an algebraic theory of discrete tomography. In those papers the structure of the functions f:A{0,1}f: A \to \{0,1\} and f:AZf: A \to \mathbb{Z} having given line sums in certain directions have been analyzed. Here AA was a block in Zn\mathbb{Z}^n with sides parallel to the axes. In the present paper we assume that there is noise in the measurements and (only) that AA is an arbitrary or convex finite set in Zn\mathbb{Z}^n. We derive generalizations of earlier results. Furthermore we apply a method of Beck and Fiala to obtain results of he following type: if the line sums in kk directions of a function h:A[0,1]h: A \to [0,1] are known, then there exists a function f:A{0,1}f: A \to \{0,1\} such that its line sums differ by at most kk from the corresponding line sums of hh.Comment: 16 page

    An Algorithm for Koml\'os Conjecture Matching Banaszczyk's bound

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    We consider the problem of finding a low discrepancy coloring for sparse set systems where each element lies in at most t sets. We give an efficient algorithm that finds a coloring with discrepancy O((t log n)^{1/2}), matching the best known non-constructive bound for the problem due to Banaszczyk. The previous algorithms only achieved an O(t^{1/2} log n) bound. The result also extends to the more general Koml\'{o}s setting and gives an algorithmic O(log^{1/2} n) bound