24 research outputs found

    Optimality of Orthogonal Access for One-dimensional Convex Cellular Networks

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    It is shown that a greedy orthogonal access scheme achieves the sum degrees of freedom of all one-dimensional (all nodes placed along a straight line) convex cellular networks (where cells are convex regions) when no channel knowledge is available at the transmitters except the knowledge of the network topology. In general, optimality of orthogonal access holds neither for two-dimensional convex cellular networks nor for one-dimensional non-convex cellular networks, thus revealing a fundamental limitation that exists only when both one-dimensional and convex properties are simultaneously enforced, as is common in canonical information theoretic models for studying cellular networks. The result also establishes the capacity of the corresponding class of index coding problems

    Modeling and Analysis of K-Tier Downlink Heterogeneous Cellular Networks

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    Cellular networks are in a major transition from a carefully planned set of large tower-mounted base-stations (BSs) to an irregular deployment of heterogeneous infrastructure elements that often additionally includes micro, pico, and femtocells, as well as distributed antennas. In this paper, we develop a tractable, flexible, and accurate model for a downlink heterogeneous cellular network (HCN) consisting of K tiers of randomly located BSs, where each tier may differ in terms of average transmit power, supported data rate and BS density. Assuming a mobile user connects to the strongest candidate BS, the resulting Signal-to-Interference-plus-Noise-Ratio (SINR) is greater than 1 when in coverage, Rayleigh fading, we derive an expression for the probability of coverage (equivalently outage) over the entire network under both open and closed access, which assumes a strikingly simple closed-form in the high SINR regime and is accurate down to -4 dB even under weaker assumptions. For external validation, we compare against an actual LTE network (for tier 1) with the other K-1 tiers being modeled as independent Poisson Point Processes. In this case as well, our model is accurate to within 1-2 dB. We also derive the average rate achieved by a randomly located mobile and the average load on each tier of BSs. One interesting observation for interference-limited open access networks is that at a given SINR, adding more tiers and/or BSs neither increases nor decreases the probability of coverage or outage when all the tiers have the same target-SINR.Comment: IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, vol. 30, no. 3, pp. 550 - 560, Apr. 201