16 research outputs found

    On the number of 4-cycles in a tournament

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    If TT is an nn-vertex tournament with a given number of 33-cycles, what can be said about the number of its 44-cycles? The most interesting range of this problem is where TT is assumed to have cβ‹…n3c\cdot n^3 cyclic triples for some c>0c>0 and we seek to minimize the number of 44-cycles. We conjecture that the (asymptotic) minimizing TT is a random blow-up of a constant-sized transitive tournament. Using the method of flag algebras, we derive a lower bound that almost matches the conjectured value. We are able to answer the easier problem of maximizing the number of 44-cycles. These questions can be equivalently stated in terms of transitive subtournaments. Namely, given the number of transitive triples in TT, how many transitive quadruples can it have? As far as we know, this is the first study of inducibility in tournaments.Comment: 11 pages, 5 figure

    Graphs with few 3-cliques and 3-anticliques are 3-universal

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    For given integers k, l we ask whether every large graph with a sufficiently small number of k-cliques and k-anticliques must contain an induced copy of every l-vertex graph. Here we prove this claim for k=l=3 with a sharp bound. A similar phenomenon is established as well for tournaments with k=l=4.Comment: 12 pages, 1 figur

    The feasible region of induced graphs

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    The feasible region Ξ©ind(F)\Omega_{{\rm ind}}(F) of a graph FF is the collection of points (x,y)(x,y) in the unit square such that there exists a sequence of graphs whose edge densities approach xx and whose induced FF-densities approach yy. A complete description of Ξ©ind(F)\Omega_{{\rm ind}}(F) is not known for any FF with at least four vertices that is not a clique or an independent set. The feasible region provides a lot of combinatorial information about FF. For example, the supremum of yy over all (x,y)∈Ωind(F)(x,y)\in \Omega_{{\rm ind}}(F) is the inducibility of FF and Ξ©ind(Kr)\Omega_{{\rm ind}}(K_r) yields the Kruskal-Katona and clique density theorems. We begin a systematic study of Ξ©ind(F)\Omega_{{\rm ind}}(F) by proving some general statements about the shape of Ξ©ind(F)\Omega_{{\rm ind}}(F) and giving results for some specific graphs FF. Many of our theorems apply to the more general setting of quantum graphs. For example, we prove a bound for quantum graphs that generalizes an old result of Bollob\'as for the number of cliques in a graph with given edge density. We also consider the problems of determining Ξ©ind(F)\Omega_{{\rm ind}}(F) when F=Krβˆ’F=K_r^-, FF is a star, or FF is a complete bipartite graph. In the case of Krβˆ’K_r^- our results sharpen those predicted by the edge-statistics conjecture of Alon et. al. while also extending a theorem of Hirst for K4βˆ’K_4^- that was proved using computer aided techniques and flag algebras. The case of the 4-cycle seems particularly interesting and we conjecture that Ξ©ind(C4)\Omega_{{\rm ind}}(C_4) is determined by the solution to the triangle density problem, which has been solved by Razborov.Comment: 27 page

    The exact minimum number of triangles in graphs of given order and size

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    What is the minimum number of triangles in a graph of given order and size? Motivated by earlier results of Mantel and Tur\'an, Rademacher solved the first non-trivial case of this problem in 1941. The problem was revived by Erd\H{o}s in 1955; it is now known as the Erd\H{o}s-Rademacher problem. After attracting much attention, it was solved asymptotically in a major breakthrough by Razborov in 2008. In this paper, we provide an exact solution for all large graphs whose edge density is bounded away from~11, which in this range confirms a conjecture of Lov\'asz and Simonovits from 1975. Furthermore, we give a description of the extremal graphs.Comment: Published in Forum of Mathematics, Pi, Volume 8, e8 (2020