3,472 research outputs found

    Folding a Paper Strip to Minimize Thickness

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    In this paper, we study how to fold a specified origami crease pattern in order to minimize the impact of paper thickness. Specifically, origami designs are often expressed by a mountain-valley pattern (plane graph of creases with relative fold orientations), but in general this specification is consistent with exponentially many possible folded states. We analyze the complexity of finding the best consistent folded state according to two metrics: minimizing the total number of layers in the folded state (so that a "flat folding" is indeed close to flat), and minimizing the total amount of paper required to execute the folding (where "thicker" creases consume more paper). We prove both problems strongly NP-complete even for 1D folding. On the other hand, we prove the first problem fixed-parameter tractable in 1D with respect to the number of layers.Comment: 9 pages, 7 figure

    The relaxed-polar mechanism of locally optimal Cosserat rotations for an idealized nanoindentation and comparison with 3D-EBSD experiments

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    The rotation polar(F)SO(3){\rm polar}(F) \in {\rm SO}(3) arises as the unique orthogonal factor of the right polar decomposition F=polar(F)UF = {\rm polar}(F) \cdot U of a given invertible matrix FGL+(3)F \in {\rm GL}^+(3). In the context of nonlinear elasticity Grioli (1940) discovered a geometric variational characterization of polar(F){\rm polar}(F) as a unique energy-minimizing rotation. In preceding works, we have analyzed a generalization of Grioli's variational approach with weights (material parameters) μ>0\mu > 0 and μc0\mu_c \geq 0 (Grioli: μ=μc\mu = \mu_c). The energy subject to minimization coincides with the Cosserat shear-stretch contribution arising in any geometrically nonlinear, isotropic and quadratic Cosserat continuum model formulated in the deformation gradient field F:=φ:ΩGL+(3)F := \nabla\varphi: \Omega \to {\rm GL}^+(3) and the microrotation field R:ΩSO(3)R: \Omega \to {\rm SO}(3). The corresponding set of non-classical energy-minimizing rotations rpolarμ,μc±(F):=argminRSO(3){Wμ,μc(R;F):=μsym(RTF1)2+μcskew(RTF1)2} {\rm rpolar}^\pm_{\mu,\mu_c}(F) := \substack{{\rm argmin}\\ R\,\in\,{\rm SO(3)}} \Big\{ W_{\mu, \mu_c}(R\,;F) := \mu\, || {\rm sym}(R^TF - 1)||^2 + \mu_c\, ||{\rm skew}(R^TF - 1)||^2 \Big\} represents a new relaxed-polar mechanism. Our goal is to motivate this mechanism by presenting it in a relevant setting. To this end, we explicitly construct a deformation mapping φnano\varphi_{\rm nano} which models an idealized nanoindentation and compare the corresponding optimal rotation patterns rpolar1,0±(Fnano){\rm rpolar}^\pm_{1,0}(F_{\rm nano}) with experimentally obtained 3D-EBSD measurements of the disorientation angle of lattice rotations due to a nanoindentation in solid copper. We observe that the non-classical relaxed-polar mechanism can produce interesting counter-rotations. A possible link between Cosserat theory and finite multiplicative plasticity theory on small scales is also explored.Comment: 28 pages, 11 figure

    Geometry, mechanics and actuation of intrinsically curved folds

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    We combine theory and experiments to explore the kinematics and actuation of intrinsically curved folds (ICFs) in otherwise developable shells. Unlike origami folds, ICFs are not bending isometries of flat sheets, but arise via non-isometric processes (growth/moulding) or by joining sheets along curved boundaries. Experimentally, we implement both, first making joined ICFs from paper, then fabricating flat liquid crystal elastomer (LCE) sheets that morph into ICFs upon heating/swelling via programmed metric changes. Theoretically, an ICF's intrinsic geometry is defined by the geodesic curvatures on either side, κgi\kappa_{g_i}. Given these, and a target 3D fold-line, one can construct the entire surface isometrically, and compute the bending energy. This construction shows ICFs are bending mechanisms, with a continuous family of isometries trading fold angle against fold-line curvature. In ICFs with symmetric κgi\kappa_{g_i}, straightening the fold-line culminates in a fully-folded flat state that is deployable but weak, while asymmetric ICFs ultimately lock with a mechanically strong finite-angle. When unloaded, freely-hinged ICFs simply adopt the (thickness tt independent) isometry that minimizes the bend energy. In contrast, in LCE ICFs a competition between flank and ridge selects a ridge curvature that, unusually, scales as t1/7t^{-1/7}. Finally, we demonstrate how multiple ICFs can be combined in one LCE sheet, to create a versatile stretch-strong gripper that lifts \sim40x its own weight.Comment: The supplemental movies are available at https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1CR5TdbZNhveHiDYt0_a20O7_nQYS6xZ

    A variational approach to necklaces formation in polyelectrolytes

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    By means of a variational approach we study the conditions under which a polyelectrolyte in a bad solvent will undergo a transition from a rod-like structure to a ``necklace'' structure in which the chain collapses into a series of globules joined by stretched chain segments.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures (unfortunately big). Requires revtex, eps

    Mechanical Failure of a Small and Confined Solid

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    Starting from a commensurate triangular thin solid strip, confined within two hard structureless walls, a stretch along its length introduces a rectangular distortion. Beyond a critical strain the solid fails through nucleation of "smectic"-like bands. We show using computer simulations and simple density functional based arguments, how a solid-smectic transition mediates the failure. Further, we show that the critical strain introducing failure is {\em inversely} proportional to the channel width i.e. thinner strips are stronger!Comment: 6 pages, 7 figures, to be published in Indian Journal of Physics (in press) as a Conference proceeding of CMDAYS-0