95,152 research outputs found

    A First Step to Convolutive Sparse Representation

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    In this paper an extension of the sparse decomposition problem is considered and an algorithm for solving it is presented. In this extension, it is known that one of the shifted versions of a signal s (not necessarily the original signal itself) has a sparse representation on an overcomplete dictionary, and we are looking for the sparsest representation among the representations of all the shifted versions of s. Then, the proposed algorithm finds simultaneously the amount of the required shift, and the sparse representation. Experimental results emphasize on the performance of our algorithm.Comment: 4 Pages-In Proceeding of ICASSP 200

    Sparse Recovery from Combined Fusion Frame Measurements

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    Sparse representations have emerged as a powerful tool in signal and information processing, culminated by the success of new acquisition and processing techniques such as Compressed Sensing (CS). Fusion frames are very rich new signal representation methods that use collections of subspaces instead of vectors to represent signals. This work combines these exciting fields to introduce a new sparsity model for fusion frames. Signals that are sparse under the new model can be compressively sampled and uniquely reconstructed in ways similar to sparse signals using standard CS. The combination provides a promising new set of mathematical tools and signal models useful in a variety of applications. With the new model, a sparse signal has energy in very few of the subspaces of the fusion frame, although it does not need to be sparse within each of the subspaces it occupies. This sparsity model is captured using a mixed l1/l2 norm for fusion frames. A signal sparse in a fusion frame can be sampled using very few random projections and exactly reconstructed using a convex optimization that minimizes this mixed l1/l2 norm. The provided sampling conditions generalize coherence and RIP conditions used in standard CS theory. It is demonstrated that they are sufficient to guarantee sparse recovery of any signal sparse in our model. Moreover, a probabilistic analysis is provided using a stochastic model on the sparse signal that shows that under very mild conditions the probability of recovery failure decays exponentially with increasing dimension of the subspaces

    On sparse representations of linear operators and the approximation of matrix products

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    Thus far, sparse representations have been exploited largely in the context of robustly estimating functions in a noisy environment from a few measurements. In this context, the existence of a basis in which the signal class under consideration is sparse is used to decrease the number of necessary measurements while controlling the approximation error. In this paper, we instead focus on applications in numerical analysis, by way of sparse representations of linear operators with the objective of minimizing the number of operations needed to perform basic operations (here, multiplication) on these operators. We represent a linear operator by a sum of rank-one operators, and show how a sparse representation that guarantees a low approximation error for the product can be obtained from analyzing an induced quadratic form. This construction in turn yields new algorithms for computing approximate matrix products.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures; presented at the 42nd Annual Conference on Information Sciences and Systems (CISS 2008

    Convergence of Gradient Descent for Low-Rank Matrix Approximation

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    This paper provides a proof of global convergence of gradient search for low-rank matrix approximation. Such approximations have recently been of interest for large-scale problems, as well as for dictionary learning for sparse signal representations and matrix completion. The proof is based on the interpretation of the problem as an optimization on the Grassmann manifold and Fubiny-Study distance on this space

    Signal Space CoSaMP for Sparse Recovery with Redundant Dictionaries

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    Compressive sensing (CS) has recently emerged as a powerful framework for acquiring sparse signals. The bulk of the CS literature has focused on the case where the acquired signal has a sparse or compressible representation in an orthonormal basis. In practice, however, there are many signals that cannot be sparsely represented or approximated using an orthonormal basis, but that do have sparse representations in a redundant dictionary. Standard results in CS can sometimes be extended to handle this case provided that the dictionary is sufficiently incoherent or well-conditioned, but these approaches fail to address the case of a truly redundant or overcomplete dictionary. In this paper we describe a variant of the iterative recovery algorithm CoSaMP for this more challenging setting. We utilize the D-RIP, a condition on the sensing matrix analogous to the well-known restricted isometry property. In contrast to prior work, the method and analysis are "signal-focused"; that is, they are oriented around recovering the signal rather than its dictionary coefficients. Under the assumption that we have a near-optimal scheme for projecting vectors in signal space onto the model family of candidate sparse signals, we provide provable recovery guarantees. Developing a practical algorithm that can provably compute the required near-optimal projections remains a significant open problem, but we include simulation results using various heuristics that empirically exhibit superior performance to traditional recovery algorithms
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