10,037 research outputs found

    Subclasses of Normal Helly Circular-Arc Graphs

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    A Helly circular-arc model M = (C,A) is a circle C together with a Helly family \A of arcs of C. If no arc is contained in any other, then M is a proper Helly circular-arc model, if every arc has the same length, then M is a unit Helly circular-arc model, and if there are no two arcs covering the circle, then M is a normal Helly circular-arc model. A Helly (resp. proper Helly, unit Helly, normal Helly) circular-arc graph is the intersection graph of the arcs of a Helly (resp. proper Helly, unit Helly, normal Helly) circular-arc model. In this article we study these subclasses of Helly circular-arc graphs. We show natural generalizations of several properties of (proper) interval graphs that hold for some of these Helly circular-arc subclasses. Next, we describe characterizations for the subclasses of Helly circular-arc graphs, including forbidden induced subgraphs characterizations. These characterizations lead to efficient algorithms for recognizing graphs within these classes. Finally, we show how do these classes of graphs relate with straight and round digraphs.Comment: 39 pages, 13 figures. A previous version of the paper (entitled Proper Helly Circular-Arc Graphs) appeared at WG'0

    Grid classes and the Fibonacci dichotomy for restricted permutations

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    We introduce and characterise grid classes, which are natural generalisations of other well-studied permutation classes. This characterisation allows us to give a new, short proof of the Fibonacci dichotomy: the number of permutations of length n in a permutation class is either at least as large as the nth Fibonacci number or is eventually polynomial

    Small permutation classes

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    We establish a phase transition for permutation classes (downsets of permutations under the permutation containment order): there is an algebraic number κ\kappa, approximately 2.20557, for which there are only countably many permutation classes of growth rate (Stanley-Wilf limit) less than κ\kappa but uncountably many permutation classes of growth rate κ\kappa, answering a question of Klazar. We go on to completely characterize the possible sub-κ\kappa growth rates of permutation classes, answering a question of Kaiser and Klazar. Central to our proofs are the concepts of generalized grid classes (introduced herein), partial well-order, and atomicity (also known as the joint embedding property)

    Edge-Stable Equimatchable Graphs

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    A graph GG is \emph{equimatchable} if every maximal matching of GG has the same cardinality. We are interested in equimatchable graphs such that the removal of any edge from the graph preserves the equimatchability. We call an equimatchable graph GG \emph{edge-stable} if GeG\setminus {e}, that is the graph obtained by the removal of edge ee from GG, is also equimatchable for any eE(G)e \in E(G). After noticing that edge-stable equimatchable graphs are either 2-connected factor-critical or bipartite, we characterize edge-stable equimatchable graphs. This characterization yields an O(min(n3.376,n1.5m))O(\min(n^{3.376}, n^{1.5}m)) time recognition algorithm. Lastly, we introduce and shortly discuss the related notions of edge-critical, vertex-stable and vertex-critical equimatchable graphs. In particular, we emphasize the links between our work and the well-studied notion of shedding vertices, and point out some open questions