4 research outputs found

    On some extremal connectivity results for graphs and matroids

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    Dirac and Halin have shown for n = 2 and n = 3 respectively that a minimally n-connected graph G has at least ((n-1)|V(G)|-2n)/(2n-1) vertices of degree n. This paper determines the graphs which are extremal with respect to these two results and, in addition, establishes a similar extremal result for minimally connected matroids. © 1982

    Author index volume 41 (1982)

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    Some extremal connectivity results for matroids

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    Let n be an integer exceeding one and M be a matroid having at least n + 2 elements. In this paper, we prove that every n-element subset X of E(M) is in an (n + 1)-element circuit if and only if (i) for every such subset, M X is disconnected, and (ii) for every subset Y with at most n elements, M Y is connected. Various extensions and consequences of this result are also derived including characterizations in terms of connectivity of the 4-point line and of Murty\u27s Sylvester matroids. The former is a result of Seymour. © 1991

    Connectivity for Matroids and Graphs.

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    This dissertation studies connectivity for matroids and graphs. The main results generalize Tutte\u27s Wheels and Whirls Theorem and have numerous applications. In Chapter 2, we prove two structural theorems for 3-connected matroids. An element e of a 3-connected matroid M is essential if neither the deletion M\\e nor the contraction M/e is 3-connected. Tutte\u27s Wheels and Whirls Theorem proves that the only 3-connected matroids in which every element is essential are the wheels and whirls. If M is not a wheel or a whirl, we prove that the essential elements of M can be partitioned into classes where two elements are in the same class if M has a fan containing both. In particular, M must have at least two non-essential elements. In the second structural theorem, we show that if M has a fan with 2k or 2k + 1 elements for some k≥ 2k \geq \ 2, then M can be obtained by sticking together a (k + 1)-spoked wheel and a certain 3-connected minor of M. In Chapters 3 and 4, we characterize all 3-connected matroids whose set of non-essential elements has rank two. In particular, we completely determine all 3-connected matroids with exactly two non-essential elements. In Chapter 5, we derive some consequences of these results for the 3-connected binary matroids and graphs. We prove that there are exactly six classes of 3-connected binary matroids whose set of non-essential elements has rank two and we prove that there are exactly two classes of graphs, multi-dimensional wheels and twisted wheels, with exactly two non-essential edges. In Chapter 6, we use our first structural theorem to investigate the set of elements e in a 3-connected matroid M such that the simplification of M/e is 3-connected. We get best-possible lower bounds on the number of such elements thereby improving a result which was derived by Cunningham and Seymour independently. We also give some generalizations of the Wheels and Whirls Theorem and the Wheels Theorem