360 research outputs found

    On some extremal connectivity results for graphs and matroids

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    Dirac and Halin have shown for n = 2 and n = 3 respectively that a minimally n-connected graph G has at least ((n-1)|V(G)|-2n)/(2n-1) vertices of degree n. This paper determines the graphs which are extremal with respect to these two results and, in addition, establishes a similar extremal result for minimally connected matroids. © 1982

    On perturbations of highly connected dyadic matroids

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    Geelen, Gerards, and Whittle [3] announced the following result: let q=pkq = p^k be a prime power, and let M\mathcal{M} be a proper minor-closed class of GF(q)\mathrm{GF}(q)-representable matroids, which does not contain PG(r−1,p)\mathrm{PG}(r-1,p) for sufficiently high rr. There exist integers k,tk, t such that every vertically kk-connected matroid in M\mathcal{M} is a rank-(≤t)(\leq t) perturbation of a frame matroid or the dual of a frame matroid over GF(q)\mathrm{GF}(q). They further announced a characterization of the perturbations through the introduction of subfield templates and frame templates. We show a family of dyadic matroids that form a counterexample to this result. We offer several weaker conjectures to replace the ones in [3], discuss consequences for some published papers, and discuss the impact of these new conjectures on the structure of frame templates.Comment: Version 3 has a new title and a few other minor corrections; 38 pages, including a 6-page Jupyter notebook that contains SageMath code and that is also available in the ancillary file

    Displaying blocking pairs in signed graphs

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    A signed graph is a pair (G, S) where G is a graph and S is a subset of the edges of G. A circuit of G is even (resp. odd) if it contains an even (resp. odd) number of edges of S. A blocking pair of (G, S) is a pair of vertices s, t such that every odd circuit intersects at least one of s or t. In this paper, we characterize when the blocking pairs of a signed graph can be represented by 2-cuts in an auxiliary graph. We discuss the relevance of this result to the problem of recognizing even cycle matroids and to the problem of characterizing signed graphs with no odd-K5 minor

    Extremal Problems in Matroid Connectivity

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    Matroid k-connectivity is typically defined in terms of a connectivity function. We can also say that a matroid is 2-connected if and only if for each pair of elements, there is a circuit containing both elements. Equivalently, a matroid is 2-connected if and only if each pair of elements is in a certain 2-element minor that is 2-connected. Similar results for higher connectivity had not been known. We determine a characterization of 3-connectivity that is based on the containment of small subsets in 3-connected minors from a given list of 3-connected matroids. Bixby’s Lemma is a well-known inductive tool in matroid theory that says that each element in a 3-connected matroid can be deleted or contracted to obtain a matroid that is 3-connected up to minimal 2-separations. We consider the binary matroids for which there is no element whose deletion and contraction are both 3-connected up to minimal 2-separations. In particular, we give a decomposition for such matroids to establish that any matroid of this type can be built from sequential matroids and matroids with many fans using a few natural operations. Wagner defined biconnectivity to translate connectivity in a bicircular matroid to certain connectivity conditions in its underlying graph. We extend a characterization of biconnectivity to higher connectivity. Using these graphic connectivity conditions, we call upon unavoidable minor results for graphs to find unavoidable minors for large 4-connected bicircular matroids

    Splitters and Decomposers for Binary Matroids

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    Let EX[M1…,Mk]EX[M_1\dots, M_k] denote the class of binary matroids with no minors isomorphic to M1,…,MkM_1, \dots, M_k. In this paper we give a decomposition theorem for EX[S10,S10∗]EX[S_{10}, S_{10}^*], where S10S_{10} is a certain 10-element rank-4 matroid. As corollaries we obtain decomposition theorems for the classes obtained by excluding the Kuratowski graphs EX[M(K3,3),M∗(K3,3),M(K5),M∗(K5)]EX[M(K_{3,3}), M^*(K_{3,3}), M(K_5), M^*(K_5)] and EX[M(K3,3),M∗(K3,3)]EX[M(K_{3,3}), M^*(K_{3,3})]. These decomposition theorems imply results on internally 44-connected matroids by Zhou [\ref{Zhou2004}], Qin and Zhou [\ref{Qin2004}], and Mayhew, Royle and Whitte [\ref{Mayhewsubmitted}].Comment: arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1403.775

    Some extremal connectivity results for matroids

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    Let n be an integer exceeding one and M be a matroid having at least n + 2 elements. In this paper, we prove that every n-element subset X of E(M) is in an (n + 1)-element circuit if and only if (i) for every such subset, M X is disconnected, and (ii) for every subset Y with at most n elements, M Y is connected. Various extensions and consequences of this result are also derived including characterizations in terms of connectivity of the 4-point line and of Murty\u27s Sylvester matroids. The former is a result of Seymour. © 1991
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