243 research outputs found

    Realizability of hypergraphs and Ramsey link theory

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    We present short simple proofs of Conway-Gordon-Sachs' theorem on graphs in 3-dimensional space, as well as van Kampen-Flores' and Ummel's theorems on nonrealizability of certain hypergraphs (or simplicial complexes) in 4-dimensional space. The proofs use a reduction to lower dimensions which allows to exhibit relation between these results. We present a simplified exposition accessible to non-specialists in the area and to students who know basic geometry of 3-dimensional space and who are ready to learn straightforward 4-dimensional generalizations. We use elementary language (e.g. collections of points) which allows to present the main ideas without technicalities (e.g. without using the formal definition of a hypergraph).Comment: 19 pages, 11 figures; the paper is rewritten; exposition improve

    The bipartite Ramsey numbers BR(C8,C2n)BR(C_8, C_{2n})

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    For the given bipartite graphs G1,G2,…,GtG_1,G_2,\ldots,G_t, the multicolor bipartite Ramsey number BR(G1,G2,…,Gt)BR(G_1,G_2,\ldots,G_t) is the smallest positive integer bb such that any tt-edge-coloring of Kb,bK_{b,b} contains a monochromatic subgraph isomorphic to GiG_i, colored with the iith color for some 1≤i≤t1\leq i\leq t. We compute the exact values of the bipartite Ramsey numbers BR(C8,C2n)BR(C_8,C_{2n}) for n≥2n\geq2

    How to Make a Graph Bipartite

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    Eigenvalue Etch-A-Sketch

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    Paul Erdo ̋s’s Empty Hexagon Problem asks if there exists a number H(6) such that for all sets of n ≥ H points in general position on the plane six of the points form the vertices of an empty convex hexagon. This problem is open

    Bipartite Ramsey Numbers and Zarankiewicz Numbers

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    The bipartite Ramsey number b(m, n) is the minimum b such that any 2-coloring of Kb,b results in a monochromatic Km,m subgraph in the first color or a monochromatic Kn,n subgraph in the second color. The Zarankiewicz number z(m, n; s, t) is the maximum size among Ks,t-free subgraphs of Km,n. In this work, we discuss the intimate relationship between the two numbers as well as propose a new method for bounding the Zarankiewicz numbers. We use the better bounds to improve the upper bound on b(2, 5), in addition we improve the lower bound of b(2, 5) by construction. The new bounds are shown to be 17 ≤ b(2, 5) ≤ 18. Additionally, we apply the same methods to the multicolor case b(2, 2, 3) which has previously not been studied and determine bounds to be 16 ≤ b(2, 2, 3) ≤ 23

    Ramsey-type theorems for lines in 3-space

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    We prove geometric Ramsey-type statements on collections of lines in 3-space. These statements give guarantees on the size of a clique or an independent set in (hyper)graphs induced by incidence relations between lines, points, and reguli in 3-space. Among other things, we prove that: (1) The intersection graph of n lines in R^3 has a clique or independent set of size Omega(n^{1/3}). (2) Every set of n lines in R^3 has a subset of n^{1/2} lines that are all stabbed by one line, or a subset of Omega((n/log n)^{1/5}) such that no 6-subset is stabbed by one line. (3) Every set of n lines in general position in R^3 has a subset of Omega(n^{2/3}) lines that all lie on a regulus, or a subset of Omega(n^{1/3}) lines such that no 4-subset is contained in a regulus. The proofs of these statements all follow from geometric incidence bounds -- such as the Guth-Katz bound on point-line incidences in R^3 -- combined with Tur\'an-type results on independent sets in sparse graphs and hypergraphs. Although similar Ramsey-type statements can be proved using existing generic algebraic frameworks, the lower bounds we get are much larger than what can be obtained with these methods. The proofs directly yield polynomial-time algorithms for finding subsets of the claimed size.Comment: 18 pages including appendi
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