13,693 research outputs found

    On some Graphs Related to Regular, Oriented Triangular Maps

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    AbstractWe examine the graphψ(G,λ),where the vertices are given by the elements of the conjugacy classλof the finite groupG,and then adjacency (∼) given byv∼u⇔bothuv2andvu2are involutions andu≠v.In particular, under certain conditions on the pair (G, λ)we may derive fromψ(G,λ)a second graphξ(G,λ)which constitutes disjoint copies of underlying graphs of certain regular oriented triangular maps

    Matrix factorizations and link homology

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    For each positive integer n the HOMFLY polynomial of links specializes to a one-variable polynomial that can be recovered from the representation theory of quantum sl(n). For each such n we build a doubly-graded homology theory of links with this polynomial as the Euler characteristic. The core of our construction utilizes the theory of matrix factorizations, which provide a linear algebra description of maximal Cohen-Macaulay modules on isolated hypersurface singularities.Comment: 108 pages, 61 figures, latex, ep
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