219 research outputs found

    A survey of Bayesian Network structure learning

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    Effective and efficient structure learning with pruning and model averaging strategies

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    Learning the structure of a Bayesian Network (BN) with score-based solutions involves exploring the search space of possible graphs and moving towards the graph that maximises a given objective function. Some algorithms offer exact solutions that guarantee to return the graph with the highest objective score, while others offer approximate solutions in exchange for reduced computational complexity. This paper describes an approximate BN structure learning algorithm, which we call Model Averaging Hill-Climbing (MAHC), that combines two novel strategies with hill-climbing search. The algorithm starts by pruning the search space of graphs, where the pruning strategy can be viewed as an aggressive version of the pruning strategies that are typically applied to combinatorial optimisation structure learning problems. It then performs model averaging in the hill-climbing search process and moves to the neighbouring graph that maximises the objective function, on average, for that neighbouring graph and over all its valid neighbouring graphs. Comparisons with other algorithms spanning different classes of learning suggest that the combination of aggressive pruning with model averaging is both effective and efficient, particularly in the presence of data noise

    Bayesian network structure learning with causal effects in the presence of latent variables.

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    Latent variables may lead to spurious relationships that can be misinterpreted as causal relationships. In Bayesian Networks (BNs), this challenge is known as learning under causal insufficiency. Structure learning algorithms that assume causal insufficiency tend to reconstruct the ancestral graph of a BN, where bi-directed edges represent confounding and directed edges represent direct or ancestral relationships. This paper describes a hybrid structure learning algorithm, called CCHM, which combines the constraint-based part of cFCI with hill-climbing score-based learning. The score-based process incorporates Pearl s do-calculus to measure causal effects and orientate edges that would otherwise remain undirected, under the assumption the BN is a linear Structure Equation Model where data follow a multivariate Gaussian distribution. Experiments based on both randomised and well-known networks show that CCHM improves the state-of-the-art in terms of reconstructing the true ancestral graph

    Distributional Equivalence and Structure Learning for Bow-free Acyclic Path Diagrams

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    We consider the problem of structure learning for bow-free acyclic path diagrams (BAPs). BAPs can be viewed as a generalization of linear Gaussian DAG models that allow for certain hidden variables. We present a first method for this problem using a greedy score-based search algorithm. We also prove some necessary and some sufficient conditions for distributional equivalence of BAPs which are used in an algorithmic ap- proach to compute (nearly) equivalent model structures. This allows us to infer lower bounds of causal effects. We also present applications to real and simulated datasets using our publicly available R-package

    Robust causal structure learning with some hidden variables

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    We introduce a new method to estimate the Markov equivalence class of a directed acyclic graph (DAG) in the presence of hidden variables, in settings where the underlying DAG among the observed variables is sparse, and there are a few hidden variables that have a direct effect on many of the observed ones. Building on the so-called low rank plus sparse framework, we suggest a two-stage approach which first removes the effect of the hidden variables, and then estimates the Markov equivalence class of the underlying DAG under the assumption that there are no remaining hidden variables. This approach is consistent in certain high-dimensional regimes and performs favourably when compared to the state of the art, both in terms of graphical structure recovery and total causal effect estimation