9 research outputs found

    Optimal Rates of Convergence for Noisy Sparse Phase Retrieval via Thresholded Wirtinger Flow

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    This paper considers the noisy sparse phase retrieval problem: recovering a sparse signal xRpx \in \mathbb{R}^p from noisy quadratic measurements yj=(ajx)2+ϵjy_j = (a_j' x )^2 + \epsilon_j, j=1,,mj=1, \ldots, m, with independent sub-exponential noise ϵj\epsilon_j. The goals are to understand the effect of the sparsity of xx on the estimation precision and to construct a computationally feasible estimator to achieve the optimal rates. Inspired by the Wirtinger Flow [12] proposed for noiseless and non-sparse phase retrieval, a novel thresholded gradient descent algorithm is proposed and it is shown to adaptively achieve the minimax optimal rates of convergence over a wide range of sparsity levels when the aja_j's are independent standard Gaussian random vectors, provided that the sample size is sufficiently large compared to the sparsity of xx.Comment: 28 pages, 4 figure

    Fourier Phase Retrieval with a Single Mask by Douglas-Rachford Algorithm

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    Douglas-Rachford (DR) algorithm is analyzed for Fourier phase retrieval with a single random phase mask. Local, geometric convergence to a unique fixed point is proved with numerical demonstration of global convergence

    Sparse Phase Retrieval: Convex Algorithms and Limitations

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    We consider the problem of recovering signals from their power spectral densities. This is a classical problem referred to in literature as the phase retrieval problem, and is of paramount importance in many fields of applied sciences. In general, additional prior information about the signal is required to guarantee unique recovery as the mapping from signals to power spectral densities is not one-to-one. In this work, we assume that the underlying signals are sparse. Recently, semidefinite programming (SDP) based approaches were explored by various researchers. Simulations of these algorithms strongly suggest that signals upto O(n^(1/2−ϵ) sparsity can be recovered by this technique. In this work, we develop a tractable algorithm based on reweighted ℓ_1-minimization that recovers a sparse signal from its power spectral density for significantly higher sparsities, which is unprecedented. We also discuss the limitations of the existing SDP algorithms and provide a combinatorial algorithm which requires significantly fewer ”phaseless” measurements to guarantee recovery

    Sparse Phase Retrieval: Uniqueness Guarantees and Recovery Algorithms

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    The problem of signal recovery from its Fourier transform magnitude is of paramount importance in various fields of engineering and has been around for over 100 years. Due to the absence of phase information, some form of additional information is required in order to be able to uniquely identify the signal of interest. In this work, we focus our attention on discrete-time sparse signals (of length n). We first show that, if the DFT dimension is greater than or equal to 2n, then almost all signals with aperiodic support can be uniquely identified by their Fourier transform magnitude (up to time-shift, conjugate-flip and global phase). Then, we develop an efficient Two-stage Sparse Phase Retrieval algorithm (TSPR), which involves: (i) identifying the support, i.e., the locations of the non-zero components, of the signal using a combinatorial algorithm (ii) identifying the signal values in the support using a convex algorithm. We show that TSPR can provably recover most O(n^(1/2-ϵ)-sparse signals (up to a timeshift, conjugate-flip and global phase). We also show that, for most O(n^(1/4-ϵ)-sparse signals, the recovery is robust in the presence of measurement noise. These recovery guarantees are asymptotic in nature. Numerical experiments complement our theoretical analysis and verify the effectiveness of TSPR