12,003 research outputs found

    Algorithms for fitting cylindrical objects to sparse range point clouds for rapid workspace modeling

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    Real-time Spatial Detection and Tracking of Resources in a Construction Environment

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    Construction accidents with heavy equipment and bad decision making can be based on poor knowledge of the site environment and in both cases may lead to work interruptions and costly delays. Supporting the construction environment with real-time generated three-dimensional (3D) models can help preventing accidents as well as support management by modeling infrastructure assets in 3D. Such models can be integrated in the path planning of construction equipment operations for obstacle avoidance or in a 4D model that simulates construction processes. Detecting and guiding resources, such as personnel, machines and materials in and to the right place on time requires methods and technologies supplying information in real-time. This paper presents research in real-time 3D laser scanning and modeling using high range frame update rate scanning technology. Existing and emerging sensors and techniques in three-dimensional modeling are explained. The presented research successfully developed computational models and algorithms for the real-time detection, tracking, and three-dimensional modeling of static and dynamic construction resources, such as workforce, machines, equipment, and materials based on a 3D video range camera. In particular, the proposed algorithm for rapidly modeling three-dimensional scenes is explained. Laboratory and outdoor field experiments that were conducted to validate the algorithm’s performance and results are discussed

    A Depth Space Approach for Evaluating Distance to Objects -- with Application to Human-Robot Collision Avoidance

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    We present a novel approach to estimate the distance between a generic point in the Cartesian space and objects detected with a depth sensor. This information is crucial in many robotic applications, e.g., for collision avoidance, contact point identification, and augmented reality. The key idea is to perform all distance evaluations directly in the depth space. This allows distance estimation by considering also the frustum generated by the pixel on the depth image, which takes into account both the pixel size and the occluded points. Different techniques to aggregate distance data coming from multiple object points are proposed. We compare the Depth space approach with the commonly used Cartesian space or Configuration space approaches, showing that the presented method provides better results and faster execution times. An application to human-robot collision avoidance using a KUKA LWR IV robot and a Microsoft Kinect sensor illustrates the effectiveness of the approach

    Real-Time, Three-Dimensional Object Detection and Modeling in Construction

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