4 research outputs found

    Efficient Test Set Modification for Capture Power Reduction

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    The occurrence of high switching activity when the response to a test vector is captured by flipflops in scan testing may cause excessive IR drop, resulting in significant test-induced yield loss. This paper addresses the problem with a novel method based on test set modification, featuring (1) a new constrained X-identification technique that turns a properly selected set of bits in a fullyspecified test set into X-bits without fault coverage loss, and (2) a new LCP (low capture power) X-filling technique that optimally assigns 0’s and 1’s to the X-bits for the purpose of reducing the switching activity of the resulting test set in capture mode. This method can be readily applied in any test generation flow for capture power reduction without any impact on area, timing, test set size, and fault coverage

    On Guaranteeing Capture Safety in At-Speed Scan Testing with Broadcast-Scan-Based Test Compression

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    Capture safety has become a major concern in at-speed scan testing since strong power supply noise caused by excessive launch switching activity (LSA) at transition launching in an at-speed test cycle often results in severe timing-failure-induced yield loss. Recently, a basic RM (rescue-&-mask) test generation scheme was proposed for guaranteeing capture safety rather than merely reducing LSA to some extent. This paper extends the basic RM scheme to broadcast-scan-based test compression by uniquely solving two test-compression-induced problems, namely (1) input X-bit insufficiency (i.e., fewer input X-bits are available for LSA reduction due to test compression) and (2) output X-bit impact (i.e., output X-bits may reduce fault coverage due to test response compaction). This leads to the broadcast-RM (broadcast-scan-based rescue-&-mask) test generation scheme. Evaluations on large benchmark circuits and an industrial circuit of about 1M gates clearly demonstrate that this novel scheme can indeed guarantee capture safety in at-speed scan testing with broadcast-scan-based test compression while minimizing its impact on both test quality and test costs.2013 26th International Conference on VLSI Design, 5-10 January 2013, Pune, Indi

    Machine learning support for logic diagnosis

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