22 research outputs found

    On Pairwise Costs for Network Flow Multi-Object Tracking

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    Multi-object tracking has been recently approached with the min-cost network flow optimization techniques. Such methods simultaneously resolve multiple object tracks in a video and enable modeling of dependencies among tracks. Min-cost network flow methods also fit well within the "tracking-by-detection" paradigm where object trajectories are obtained by connecting per-frame outputs of an object detector. Object detectors, however, often fail due to occlusions and clutter in the video. To cope with such situations, we propose to add pairwise costs to the min-cost network flow framework. While integer solutions to such a problem become NP-hard, we design a convex relaxation solution with an efficient rounding heuristic which empirically gives certificates of small suboptimality. We evaluate two particular types of pairwise costs and demonstrate improvements over recent tracking methods in real-world video sequences

    Convergence Rate of Frank-Wolfe for Non-Convex Objectives

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    We give a simple proof that the Frank-Wolfe algorithm obtains a stationary point at a rate of O(1/t)O(1/\sqrt{t}) on non-convex objectives with a Lipschitz continuous gradient. Our analysis is affine invariant and is the first, to the best of our knowledge, giving a similar rate to what was already proven for projected gradient methods (though on slightly different measures of stationarity).Comment: 6 page

    Constrained multi-target tracking for team sports activities

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    Abstract In sports analysis, player tracking is essential to the extraction of statistics such as speed, distance and direction of motion. Simultaneous tracking of multiple people is still a very challenging computer vision problem to which there is no satisfactory solution. This is especially true for sports activities, for which people often wear similar uniforms, move quickly and erratically, and have close interactions with each other. In this paper, we introduce a multi-target tracking algorithm suitable for team sports activities. We extend an existing algorithm by including an automatic estimation of the occupancy of the observed field and the duration of stable periods without people entering or leaving the field. This information is included as a constraint to the existing offline tracking algorithm in order to construct more reliable trajectories. On data from two challenging sports scenarios—an indoor soccer game captured with thermal cameras and an outdoor soccer training session captured with RGB camera—we show that the tracking performance is improved on all sequences. Compared to the original offline tracking algorithm, we obtain improvements of 3–7% in accuracy. Furthermore, the method outperforms two state-of-the-art trackers

    Unsupervised Multiple Person Tracking using AutoEncoder-Based Lifted Multicuts

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    Multiple Object Tracking (MOT) is a long-standing task in computer vision. Current approaches based on the tracking by detection paradigm either require some sort of domain knowledge or supervision to associate data correctly into tracks. In this work, we present an unsupervised multiple object tracking approach based on visual features and minimum cost lifted multicuts. Our method is based on straight-forward spatio-temporal cues that can be extracted from neighboring frames in an image sequences without superivison. Clustering based on these cues enables us to learn the required appearance invariances for the tracking task at hand and train an autoencoder to generate suitable latent representation. Thus, the resulting latent representations can serve as robust appearance cues for tracking even over large temporal distances where no reliable spatio-temporal features could be extracted. We show that, despite being trained without using the provided annotations, our model provides competitive results on the challenging MOT Benchmark for pedestrian tracking