19,192 research outputs found

    Mumford dendrograms and discrete p-adic symmetries

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    In this article, we present an effective encoding of dendrograms by embedding them into the Bruhat-Tits trees associated to pp-adic number fields. As an application, we show how strings over a finite alphabet can be encoded in cyclotomic extensions of Qp\mathbb{Q}_p and discuss pp-adic DNA encoding. The application leads to fast pp-adic agglomerative hierarchic algorithms similar to the ones recently used e.g. by A. Khrennikov and others. From the viewpoint of pp-adic geometry, to encode a dendrogram XX in a pp-adic field KK means to fix a set SS of KK-rational punctures on the pp-adic projective line P1\mathbb{P}^1. To P1∖S\mathbb{P}^1\setminus S is associated in a natural way a subtree inside the Bruhat-Tits tree which recovers XX, a method first used by F. Kato in 1999 in the classification of discrete subgroups of PGL2(K)\textrm{PGL}_2(K). Next, we show how the pp-adic moduli space M0,n\mathfrak{M}_{0,n} of P1\mathbb{P}^1 with nn punctures can be applied to the study of time series of dendrograms and those symmetries arising from hyperbolic actions on P1\mathbb{P}^1. In this way, we can associate to certain classes of dynamical systems a Mumford curve, i.e. a pp-adic algebraic curve with totally degenerate reduction modulo pp. Finally, we indicate some of our results in the study of general discrete actions on P1\mathbb{P}^1, and their relation to pp-adic Hurwitz spaces.Comment: 14 pages, 6 figure

    A Satake isomorphism in characteristic p

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    Suppose that G is a connected reductive group over a p-adic field F, that K is a hyperspecial maximal compact subgroup of G(F), and that V is an irreducible representation of K over the algebraic closure of the residue field of F. We establish an analogue of the Satake isomorphism for the Hecke algebra of compactly supported, K-biequivariant functions f: G(F) \to End V. These Hecke algebras were first considered by Barthel-Livne for GL_2. They play a role in the recent mod p and p-adic Langlands correspondences for GL_2(Q_p), in generalisations of Serre's conjecture on the modularity of mod p Galois representations, and in the classification of irreducible mod p representations of unramified p-adic reductive groups.Comment: 24 pages, revise

    The classification of p-compact groups and homotopical group theory

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    We survey some recent advances in the homotopy theory of classifying spaces, and homotopical group theory. We focus on the classification of p-compact groups in terms of root data over the p-adic integers, and discuss some of its consequences e.g. for finite loop spaces and polynomial cohomology rings.Comment: To appear in Proceedings of the ICM 2010

    The classification of 2-compact groups

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    We prove that any connected 2-compact group is classified by its 2-adic root datum, and in particular the exotic 2-compact group DI(4), constructed by Dwyer-Wilkerson, is the only simple 2-compact group not arising as the 2-completion of a compact connected Lie group. Combined with our earlier work with Moeller and Viruel for p odd, this establishes the full classification of p-compact groups, stating that, up to isomorphism, there is a one-to-one correspondence between connected p-compact groups and root data over the p-adic integers. As a consequence we prove the maximal torus conjecture, giving a one-to-one correspondence between compact Lie groups and finite loop spaces admitting a maximal torus. Our proof is a general induction on the dimension of the group, which works for all primes. It refines the Andersen-Grodal-Moeller-Viruel methods to incorporate the theory of root data over the p-adic integers, as developed by Dwyer-Wilkerson and the authors, and we show that certain occurring obstructions vanish, by relating them to obstruction groups calculated by Jackowski-McClure-Oliver in the early 1990s.Comment: 47 page

    On a classification of irreducible admissible modulo pp representations of a pp-adic split reductive group

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    We give a classification of irreducible admissible modulo pp representations of a split pp-adic reductive group in terms of supersingular representations. This is a generalization of a theorem of Herzig.Comment: 25 page

    Structure, classifcation, and conformal symmetry, of elementary particles over non-archimedean space-time

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    It is known that no length or time measurements are possible in sub-Planckian regions of spacetime. The Volovich hypothesis postulates that the micro-geometry of spacetime may therefore be assumed to be non-archimedean. In this letter, the consequences of this hypothesis for the structure, classification, and conformal symmetry of elementary particles, when spacetime is a flat space over a non-archimedean field such as the pp-adic numbers, is explored. Both the Poincar\'e and Galilean groups are treated. The results are based on a new variant of the Mackey machine for projective unitary representations of semidirect product groups which are locally compact and second countable. Conformal spacetime is constructed over pp-adic fields and the impossibility of conformal symmetry of massive and eventually massive particles is proved
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