79 research outputs found

    Existence Results for General Mixed Quasivariational Inequalities

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    We consider and study a new class of variational inequality, which is called the general mixed quasivariational inequality. We use the auxiliary principle technique to study the existence of a solution of the general mixed quasivariational inequality. Several special cases are also discussed. Results proved in this paper may stimulate further research in this area

    Equilibrium problems on Riemannian manifolds with applications

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    We study the equilibrium problem on general Riemannian manifolds. The results on existence of solutions and on the convex structure of the solution set are established. Our approach consists in relating the equilibrium problem to a suitable variational inequality problem on Riemannian manifolds, and is completely different from previous ones on this topic in the literature. As applications, the corresponding results for the mixed variational inequality and the Nash equilibrium are obtained. Moreover, we formulate and analyze the convergence of the proximal point algorithm for the equilibrium problem. In particular, correct proofs are provided for the results claimed in J. Math. Anal. Appl. 388, 61-77, 2012 (i.e., Theorems 3.5 and 4.9 there) regarding the existence of the mixed variational inequality and the domain of the resolvent for the equilibrium problem on Hadamard manifolds.National Natural Science Foundation of ChinaNatural Science Foundation of Guizhou Province (China)Dirección General de Enseñanza SuperiorJunta de AndalucíaNational Science Council of Taiwa

    Some Iterative Methods for Solving Nonconvex Bifunction Equilibrium Variational Inequalities

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    We introduce and consider a new class of equilibrium problems and variational inequalities involving bifunction, which is called the nonconvex bifunction equilibrium variational inequality. We suggest and analyze some iterative methods for solving the nonconvex bifunction equilibrium variational inequalities using the auxiliary principle technique. We prove that the convergence of implicit method requires only monotonicity. Some special cases are also considered. Our proof of convergence is very simple. Results proved in this paper may stimulate further research in this dynamic field

    Existence of Equilibrium in Minimax Inequalities, Saddle, Points, Fixed Points, and Games without Convexity Sets

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    minimax inequality, saddle points, fixed points, coincidence points, discontinuity, non-quasiconcavity, non-convexity, and non-compactness