3 research outputs found

    Locally Checkable Problems Parameterized by Clique-Width

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    We continue the study initiated by Bonomo-Braberman and Gonzalez in 2020 on r-locally checkable problems. We propose a dynamic programming algorithm that takes as input a graph with an associated clique-width expression and solves a 1-locally checkable problem under certain restrictions. We show that it runs in polynomial time in graphs of bounded clique-width, when the number of colors of the locally checkable problem is fixed. Furthermore, we present a first extension of our framework to global properties by taking into account the sizes of the color classes, and consequently enlarge the set of problems solvable in polynomial time with our approach in graphs of bounded clique-width. As examples, we apply this setting to show that, when parameterized by clique-width, the [k]-Roman domination problem is FPT, and the k-community problem, Max PDS and other variants are XP

    On non-z(mod k) dominating sets

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    For a graph G, a positive integer k, k ≥ 2, and a non-negative integer with z < k and z ≠ 1, a subset D of the vertex set V(G) is said to be a non-z (mod k) dominating set if D is a dominating set and for all x ∈ V(G), |N[x]∩D| ≢ z (mod k).For the case k = 2 and z = 0, it has been shown that these sets exist for all graphs. The problem for k ≥ 3 is unknown (the existence for even values of k and z = 0 follows from the k = 2 case.) It is the purpose of this paper to show that for k ≥ 3 and with z < k and z ≠ 1, that a non-z(mod k) dominating set exist for all trees. Also, it will be shown that for k ≥ 4, z ≥ 1, 2 or 3 that any unicyclic graph contains a non-z(mod k) dominating set. We also give a few special cases of other families of graphs for which these dominating sets must exist

    LIPIcs, Volume 248, ISAAC 2022, Complete Volume

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    LIPIcs, Volume 248, ISAAC 2022, Complete Volum