2 research outputs found

    Populating 3D Scenes by Learning Human-Scene Interaction

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    Humans live within a 3D space and constantly interact with it to perform tasks. Such interactions involve physical contact between surfaces that is semantically meaningful. Our goal is to learn how humans interact with scenes and leverage this to enable virtual characters to do the same. To that end, we introduce a novel Human-Scene Interaction (HSI) model that encodes proximal relationships, called POSA for "Pose with prOximitieS and contActs". The representation of interaction is body-centric, which enables it to generalize to new scenes. Specifically, POSA augments the SMPL-X parametric human body model such that, for every mesh vertex, it encodes (a) the contact probability with the scene surface and (b) the corresponding semantic scene label. We learn POSA with a VAE conditioned on the SMPL-X vertices, and train on the PROX dataset, which contains SMPL-X meshes of people interacting with 3D scenes, and the corresponding scene semantics from the PROX-E dataset. We demonstrate the value of POSA with two applications. First, we automatically place 3D scans of people in scenes. We use a SMPL-X model fit to the scan as a proxy and then find its most likely placement in 3D. POSA provides an effective representation to search for "affordances" in the scene that match the likely contact relationships for that pose. We perform a perceptual study that shows significant improvement over the state of the art on this task. Second, we show that POSA's learned representation of body-scene interaction supports monocular human pose estimation that is consistent with a 3D scene, improving on the state of the art. Our model and code are available for research purposes at https://posa.is.tue.mpg.de

    Reconstruction and Synthesis of Human-Scene Interaction

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    In this thesis, we argue that the 3D scene is vital for understanding, reconstructing, and synthesizing human motion. We present several approaches which take the scene into consideration in reconstructing and synthesizing Human-Scene Interaction (HSI). We first observe that state-of-the-art pose estimation methods ignore the 3D scene and hence reconstruct poses that are inconsistent with the scene. We address this by proposing a pose estimation method that takes the 3D scene explicitly into account. We call our method PROX for Proximal Relationships with Object eXclusion. We leverage the data generated using PROX and build a method to automatically place 3D scans of people with clothing in scenes. The core novelty of our method is encoding the proximal relationships between the human and the scene in a novel HSI model, called POSA for Pose with prOximitieS and contActs. POSA is limited to static HSI, however. We propose a real-time method for synthesizing dynamic HSI, which we call SAMP for Scene-Aware Motion Prediction. SAMP enables virtual humans to navigate cluttered indoor scenes and naturally interact with objects. Data-driven kinematic models, like SAMP, can produce high-quality motion when applied in environments similar to those shown in the dataset. However, when applied to new scenarios, kinematic models can struggle to generate realistic behaviors that respect scene constraints. In contrast, we present InterPhys which uses adversarial imitation learning and reinforcement learning to train physically-simulated characters that perform scene interaction tasks in a physical and life-like manner