5 research outputs found

    Don't Be Strict in Local Search!

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    Local Search is one of the fundamental approaches to combinatorial optimization and it is used throughout AI. Several local search algorithms are based on searching the k-exchange neighborhood. This is the set of solutions that can be obtained from the current solution by exchanging at most k elements. As a rule of thumb, the larger k is, the better are the chances of finding an improved solution. However, for inputs of size n, a na\"ive brute-force search of the k-exchange neighborhood requires n to the power of O(k) time, which is not practical even for very small values of k. Fellows et al. (IJCAI 2009) studied whether this brute-force search is avoidable and gave positive and negative answers for several combinatorial problems. They used the notion of local search in a strict sense. That is, an improved solution needs to be found in the k-exchange neighborhood even if a global optimum can be found efficiently. In this paper we consider a natural relaxation of local search, called permissive local search (Marx and Schlotter, IWPEC 2009) and investigate whether it enhances the domain of tractable inputs. We exemplify this approach on a fundamental combinatorial problem, Vertex Cover. More precisely, we show that for a class of inputs, finding an optimum is hard, strict local search is hard, but permissive local search is tractable. We carry out this investigation in the framework of parameterized complexity.Comment: (author's self-archived copy

    On the Directed Full Degree Spanning Tree Problem

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    Abstract. We study the parameterized complexity of a directed analog of the Full Degree Spanning Tree problem where, given a digraph D and a nonnegative integer k, the goal is to construct a spanning out-tree T of D such that at least k vertices in T have the same out-degree as in D. We show that this problem is W[1]-hard even on the class of directed acyclic graphs. In the dual version, called Reduced Degree Spanning Tree, one is required to construct a spanning out-tree T such that at most k vertices in T have out-degrees that are different from that in D. We show that this problem is fixed-parameter tractable and that it admits a problem kernel with at most 8k vertices on strongly connected digraphs and O(k 2 ) vertices on general digraphs. We also give an algorithm for this problem on general digraphs with running time O(5.942 k · n O(1) ), where n is the number of vertices in the input digraph