4 research outputs found

    Computing Covers under Substring Consistent Equivalence Relations

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    Covers are a kind of quasiperiodicity in strings. A string CC is a cover of another string TT if any position of TT is inside some occurrence of CC in TT. The shortest and longest cover arrays of TT have the lengths of the shortest and longest covers of each prefix of TT, respectively. The literature has proposed linear-time algorithms computing longest and shortest cover arrays taking border arrays as input. An equivalence relation ≈\approx over strings is called a substring consistent equivalence relation (SCER) iff X≈YX \approx Y implies (1) ∣X∣=∣Y∣|X| = |Y| and (2) X[i:j]≈Y[i:j]X[i:j] \approx Y[i:j] for all 1≤i≤j≤∣X∣1 \le i \le j \le |X|. In this paper, we generalize the notion of covers for SCERs and prove that existing algorithms to compute the shortest cover array and the longest cover array of a string TT under the identity relation will work for any SCERs taking the accordingly generalized border arrays.Comment: 16 page

    Quasi-Periodicity in Streams

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    In this work, we show two streaming algorithms for computing the length of the shortest cover of a string of length n. We start by showing a two-pass algorithm that uses O(log^2 n) space and then show a one-pass streaming algorithm that uses O(sqrt{n log n}) space. Both algorithms run in near-linear time. The algorithms are randomized and compute the answer incorrectly with probability inverse-polynomial in n. We also show that there is no sublinear-space streaming algorithm for computing the length of the shortest seed of a string

    On left and right seeds of a string

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    AbstractWe consider the problem of finding the repetitive structure of a given string y of length n. A factor u of y is a cover of y, if every letter of y lies within some occurrence of u in y. A string v is a seed of y, if it is a cover of a superstring of y. A left seed of y is a prefix of y, that is a cover of a superstring of y. Similarly, a right seed of y is a suffix of y, that is a cover of a superstring of y. An integer array LS is the minimal left-seed (resp. maximal left-seed) array of y, if LS[i] is the minimal (resp. maximal) length of left seeds of y[0..i]. The minimal right-seed (resp. maximal right-seed) array RS of y is defined in a similar fashion.In this article, we present linear-time algorithms for computing all left and right seeds of y, a linear-time algorithm for computing the minimal left-seed array of y, a linear-time solution for computing the maximal left-seed array of y, an O(nlogn)-time algorithm for computing the minimal right-seed array of y, and a linear-time solution for computing the maximal right-seed array of y. All algorithms use linear auxiliary space